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Как переключить макет блока с коробочного на широкий

Вы можете изменить ширину содержимого, выбрав значение из раскрывающегося списка для ширины блока. Выберите блок, затем перейдите на панель свойств. В свойстве W (Ширина) щелкните маленькую стрелку, чтобы открыть раскрывающийся список с параметрами. Щелкните параметры, чтобы изменить ширину содержимого с Boxed на Wide.

How To Switch Your Block From Boxed To Wide Layout

If you aim for specific screen size, specifically wide layouts, you can quickly change it instead of a standard boxed layout. Select the block you want to alter, go to the Property Panel, and in the resolution section, where you see W (width) and H (heights), click on the box near the width. The dropdown menu will appear where you can pick either Sheet or Screen option. This will help you fit your main content into the web design you are creating. The default width applied to all elements is the Sheet width, so be sure to change it if you need.

Using the page settings of our site builder, you can customize your page content any way you want. Keep in mind that when you set the content to your boxed layout or wide layout, you must remember that the background images and videos greatly affect all the other content on the page. Also, the space between page background and boxed layout and between elements can greatly change the perspective of your content. Ensure that the full width for setting options you are using correlates with the layout type and materials inside content box elements.

Customize your site options using all the responsive preferences we provide for your background and boxed wide layouts. Set the Skip to Content button, background image, and other full width elements according to the overall background of your page. Our support policy helps all our users and potential clients achieve new heights in web design building without learning to code. Select the boxed or wide layout that you want to use or think will fit your overall design, and use our support policy to get the knowledge you need.