With their great updates, with the changes they made to the search module, it stopped working on my web page, I press the magnifying glass button, and it does nothing, it does not search anything....
8 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By etorres

5 days ago

Started 2 weeks ago by etorres

Wishlist Create sort option to move or change the order for the blog pages

Html Websites Create a sort option to move or change the order for the blog pages manually
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Latest By Support Team

1 weeks ago

Started 2 weeks ago by richard11

Ask a Question how to import page

Please tell me how to re-import a single page that has been exported from NICEPAGE to NICEPAGE and edit it. Thank you for your reply.
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Latest By Support Team

6 days ago

Started 6 days ago by blacjar2022

Report a bug home page not working

After exporting a website - "home-page.html" file is without any code in it and so it isn't working
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Latest By Support Team

4 days ago

Started 4 days ago by profitpaty2020

Ask a Question Themeler Email and Discount

Cant get the discount to work with my active Themler email
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By clayton522

12 November 2023

Started 27 July 2017 by jamesgross

Ask a Question How can we make theme if you finally stop themler?

Hello, I can see that you will never develop artisteer & themler support will end soon. and now you try to make Nicepage, as per my knowledge it's a page builder not a theme builder. So, in near...
39 Replies
15 Votes

Latest By idso.brouwer

10 November 2022

Started 22 August 2017 by wpexpertinbd

Report a bug Thank you for the 1 month trial...

but when used with the theme template (made with Themler) the page doesnt look at all like designed. This would be a great tool for frontend editing. But it needs to work with the theme template of...
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Latest By Support Team

28 December 2017

Started 22 December 2017 by kopp05

Ask a Question How to Add Widgets to Wordpress?

How to Add Widgets to Wordpress? How to Style Menus in Wordpress? How to add Your own Menu Wordpress? Please give custom Widgets Area's
29 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

22 September 2023

Started 30 December 2017 by Sct design Group

Wishlist Nicepage Update (8-February-2018)

Hi, We're happy to announce the new Nicepage version that received new look and feel. This page includes the latest major features and improvements. New more convenient User Interface Completely...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

27 February 2018

Started 08 February 2018 by Support Team

Ask a Question ligtbox

How to create lightbox gallery???
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 October 2018

Started 14 March 2018 by Martin1982

Ask a Question Nicepage / Virtue Mart

Hello, Can you show me how Nicepage works with Virtuemart? Which adjustment options do I have? Can I change from shop to shop at any time? Thanks!
12 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 June 2020

Started 26 March 2018 by Wartburg-Entertainment

Ask a Question So can i use Nicepage desktop builder for free to promote my business?

Hi, wow! I just read the License use, it was so hard for reading it! And in fact i didn't understand if can i use it for free to promote my business? To build adversting kanding pages or some mini...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2018

Started 31 March 2018 by

Ask a Question How to create wordpress menu

Hi, I used Nicepage desktop version and I want to create a simply wp site with some webpage as Home, Service, About, Contact, FAQ, etc In artisteer I can set header, top menu position, how to do in...
1 Reply
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 April 2018

Started 12 April 2018 by moonwongjw2

Ask a Question rtl support

Hi I am newbie to Nicepage, and I have some queries: 1- Does it support RTL ? 2- Can I open projects that created by Artisteer or Themler ? 3- Why there is no many choices of themes same as Artisteer...
21 Replies
17 Votes

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11 February 2022

Started 14 April 2018 by agrashdan

Report a bug Sticky Menu not working on mobile mode

Hello , I have been testing some time nicepage, and saw the new update. I tried to make a new 2 page site, and put the header on sticky mode. this works great for the desktop mode, but for some...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 April 2018

Started 22 April 2018 by shaulhadar