Wishlist Nicepage 6.13: Page And Block Designs Translated

Dear Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new update of Nicepage 6.13. What's New in This Update? Page And Block Designs Translated Daily Site Statistics Updated Properties...
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Latest By Support Team

05 July 2024

Started 05 July 2024 by Support Team

Ask a Question Add Image Into Blog And Have Blog Footer Same As Page

Add Image Into Blog And Have Blog Footer Same As Page please see attached video to show you what I am struggling with Thanks Alexander
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Latest By Support Team

09 July 2024

Started 08 July 2024 by Grand Papa G

Ask a Question Inquiry About Using Nicepage for Client-Managed Pages

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the capabilities of Nicepage in creating web pages that my clients can manage themselves. Specifically, I am interested in knowing if...
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Latest By Support Team

16 July 2024

Started 16 July 2024 by aligokhanyazici

Ask a Question Page problems

I am trying to upload the page to my host provider but I'm missing a copy of the index file, the default one. How can I get the default index file?
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Latest By Support Team

22 July 2024

Started 20 July 2024 by jose.orellana762

Wishlist Nicepage 6.14: New Page Dialog Reworked

Dear Users and Followers! We are pleased to announce the release of the new Nicepage 6.14. What's New in This Update? New Page Dialog Reworked Add New PageStart With Blank Run AI Page BuilderPage...
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2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

22 July 2024

Started 22 July 2024 by Support Team

Ask a Question Formatting web page for android

I just got started with Nicepage and really like it's functionality. I have a mostly finished website for PC, and it works for Google Chrome, Brave, IE, etc. But when I go online with my android...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 July 2024

Started 23 July 2024 by picklehead

Ask a Question Why bottom page don't change

please look at my bottom page on atelier-amaillac.fr it is not like in wordpress cannot change why ? Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

26 July 2024

Started 26 July 2024 by Tom BRUNEL

Ask a Question Liens entre les pages version PC windows

Bonjour, Je suis très intéressé par Nicepage mais avec la version d'essai je n'arrive pas à publier mon site sur mon navigateur avec des liens entre les pages qui fonctionnent (cela n'est possible...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 July 2024

Started 26 July 2024 by mgescallier

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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2024

Started 30 July 2024 by dagnarus

Ask a Question When the colours changed after exporting & importing

Hello Support. When I tried a Nicepage export-to-import from the site's pre-built server and theme environment to the client's actual server and theme environment, the main colours had changed. Is...
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2024

Started 31 July 2024 by Atsuko

Ask a Question Publish just one page and leave everything else the same

Good morning Team, I'd like to know, whether it is possible to publish the update of just one page of the site while leaving everything else unchanged. If yes, how to proceed? Thanks for your...
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Latest By Support Team

02 August 2024

Started 02 August 2024 by comet

Ask a Question Review Page

What would the best way be to have a review page on my site at https://grandpapag.com/ where people could leave reviews? Many Thanks Alexander
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Latest By Support Team

06 August 2024

Started 05 August 2024 by Grand Papa G

Ask a Question Where do I add image for logo for this page?

https://grandpapag.com/post-1-headline-2/ I will even add an image in each time I make a post if I have to Many Thanks Gordon
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 August 2024

Started 06 August 2024 by Grand Papa G

Ask a Question Sticky Menu - page scrolls over top of menu

Using trial version of Nicepage. Menu stays in place like it should but allows page content, text & images, to scroll over the menu. Suggestions please.
3 Replies
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Latest By brad4742

07 August 2024

Started 06 August 2024 by brad4742

Wishlist Regenerate Pages and Blocks with AI from my library

Hi, Would be great if you can add AI generation feature also to blocks and pages saved in MY LIBRARY. So if I choose a page that I saved into "my library" I can easy change the entire page in one...
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Latest By Support Team

08 August 2024

Started 08 August 2024 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO