109 Posts
etorres posted this 2 weeks ago
Report a bug

With their great updates, with the changes they made to the search module, it stopped working on my web page, I press the magnifying glass button, and it does nothing, it does not search anything. Excellent, congratulations Nicepage, sorry, but they are super bad with one with the amount of errors they have and definitely their famous star developers can not fix, now they screwed up more with this update, where the search engine was working and now does not work, ie still the same thing that works stops working, with the updates. It has been the end of this sad story. And now that it is coming, please, do not send more updates, because they are going to finish messing up our web pages, we can't take it anymore.

As evidence, with reference to the above, I took the trouble to elaborate two videos:

1- Before, how it worked (without the last update).
2- After how it works (with the last update)

enter link description here

With their great updates, with the changes they made to the search module, it stopped working on my web page, I press the magnifying glass button, and it does nothing, it does not search anything. Excellent, congratulations Nicepage, sorry, but they are super bad with one with the amount of errors they have and definitely their famous star developers can not fix, now they screwed up more with this update, where the search engine was working and now does not work, ie still the same thing that works stops working, with the updates. It has been the end of this sad story. And now that it is coming, please, do not send more updates, because they are going to finish messing up our web pages, we can't take it anymore. As evidence, with reference to the above, I took the trouble to elaborate two videos: 1- Before, how it worked (without the last update). 2- After how it works (with the last update) [enter link description here][1] [1]: https://resources.nicepage.com/180/139180/SEARCH.jpg?_gl=1*18g7gsi*_gcl_au*MTc5MzgxNTY1OC4xNzI1MjkwMDgz

Last edited 2 weeks ago by etorres

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8 Replies
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65 Posts
MEHDI48 posted this 2 weeks ago

Right scrollbar is missing.

Hi. Right scrollbar is missing.
400 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 1 weeks ago

I am very happy about the new SearchResults template. I've wanted it for years. But it's not possible that there are so many bugs inside again just because the Nicepage team doesn't test it enough.

I am very happy about the new SearchResults template. I've wanted it for years. But it's not possible that there are so many bugs inside again just because the Nicepage team doesn't test it enough.

Last edited 1 weeks ago by xvemanuelvx

41 Posts
Is Solution
isoftant posted this 1 weeks ago

Добрый день!

У меня тоже поиск не работает.
Жаль конечно.

Хорошо было бы выставлять обновления после предварительного тестирования.
А так получается что в качестве тестировщиков выступают пользователи, которые платили деньги за работающий nicepage.


С уважением Анатолий.

Добрый день! У меня тоже поиск не работает. Жаль конечно. Хорошо было бы выставлять обновления после предварительного тестирования. А так получается что в качестве тестировщиков выступают пользователи, которые платили деньги за работающий nicepage. Спасибо! С уважением Анатолий.
109 Posts
etorres posted this 1 weeks ago

I don't understand what is wrong with these people, they don't learn from the many and many mistakes they have made all these years, and they do it again. They provide a new update and break one to 7 functions that were already working fine. One of them is what I wrote opening this issue in this forum, the SEARCH function, now does not work, after it was working. This happens all the time, what is wrong with you guys, what a horror. Now you are going to answer, the same as always: “We are sorry for what happened, we can not solve it, we will inform the Nicepage developers”, which developers, if they almost never solve anything, so much for our request, from there it does not pass. What a disgrace, what a bad decision to have bought this builder, waste of money and time.

I don't understand what is wrong with these people, they don't learn from the many and many mistakes they have made all these years, and they do it again. They provide a new update and break one to 7 functions that were already working fine. One of them is what I wrote opening this issue in this forum, the SEARCH function, now does not work, after it was working. This happens all the time, what is wrong with you guys, what a horror. Now you are going to answer, the same as always: “We are sorry for what happened, we can not solve it, we will inform the Nicepage developers”, which developers, if they almost never solve anything, so much for our request, from there it does not pass. What a disgrace, what a bad decision to have bought this builder, waste of money and time.
45 Posts
GRAFKOM posted this 5 days ago

Nicepage follows the same path as Serif with Affinity, with each update being 1 step forward and 3 steps back.

Nicepage follows the same path as Serif with Affinity, with each update being 1 step forward and 3 steps back.
11 Posts
mikey.adams2 posted this 5 days ago

I am having the same problem. Any update on this?

I am having the same problem. Any update on this?

Last edited 5 days ago by mikey.adams2

Support Team
Support Team posted this 3 days ago


The export of the new search template to WordPress and Joomla has not been implemented yet. The feature is still in Beta. So, please, we do appreciate your patience!

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Edwin, The export of the new search template to WordPress and Joomla has not been implemented yet. The feature is still in Beta. So, please, we do appreciate your patience! ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
109 Posts
etorres posted this 3 days ago

That being the case, we are waiting for the solution. Or at least leave it as it was working, while you fix the beta version. Thank you.

That being the case, we are waiting for the solution. Or at least leave it as it was working, while you fix the beta version. Thank you.
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