Report a bug Resource paths bad in translated pages

I've created a website with two languages. Everything works fine with the default language, but when switching to the second language, all resources that are not inside a page's CSS file, but...
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2022

Started 22 July 2022 by bmuessig

Ask a Question Theme background image

Hi, I would like to setup a fixed background image for my site template I could set a background image, but how can I set it as fixed for the whole site ? I would have it as on this page :...
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03 August 2022

Started 02 August 2022 by Stéphane

Ask a Question Resell a HTML template I design with my ow images

Hi, Can I resell a HTML template I design with Nicepage with my own images on Themeforest ?
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17 August 2022

Started 17 August 2022 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO

Ask a Question You can resell Wordpress Themes / HTML Templates and Websites created with Nicepage on Themeforest but with 3 conditions !!!

For everybody interesed to resell HTML templates, Wordpress Templates and Sites created with Nicepage The answer was that YES you can resell them with 3 conditions: you not export Nicepage...
3 Replies
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07 January 2023

Started 17 August 2022 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO

Report a bug Error in single image product template woocommerce

Hi, there is an error in woocommerce/template-parts/content-single-product.php "if ($product_image) echo '<div class style><div class>' . $product_image ....
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2022

Started 07 November 2022 by deevando

Ask a Question background image

Where is the callup of the background image in the HTML code? The thing is I want to change the background image to load from to load faster. I changed that within nicepage, but I DON'T...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 February 2023

Started 21 February 2023 by ramycapital

Ask a Question How to translate Image Gallery Category Name

Hi Support, I can translate page content from english to chinese. But I found noway to translate Image Gallery Category Name. Could you please teach me how to do it? Thanks, Moon
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10 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by moonwongjw2

Ask a Question Import exported Themes and pages

Hello Nicepage please find the attached loom video and help me with what it is mentioned there Thanks
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22 June 2023

Started 14 May 2023 by CBATEC

Ask a Question Nicepage Theme option not showing in WordPress?

Hi, I have downloaded the Nicepage plugin on Wordpress, designed and published the page but my design is not live? The old theme still shows up?It doesn't give me the option to choose the Nicepage...
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09 June 2023

Started 08 June 2023 by candy.pixi18

Ask a Question lightbox in a blog post

Hi, I would like to enlarge my pictures in a blog post. how can I create a lightbox in a blog post? Thx
3 Replies
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05 July 2023

Started 04 July 2023 by ralf6606

Wishlist How can I layer two images as a page background

An old website that I created with Artisteer had a vertical "sliver" of gradient colour that was tiled across the screen. On top of that was a .png file that featured a pattern. When overlaid onto the...
7 Replies
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Latest By rdugaue

10 September 2023

Started 31 August 2023 by jack.from.canada

Ask a Question When I set a background in theme for all pages. Pages are set to use theme but background does not change.

When I set the theme background to an image, the image doesn't display in any of my other pages, even though the they are set to use image from theme. I think this happened since the recent update.
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06 November 2023

Started 04 November 2023 by jason882

Ask a Question Theme Not Activated

I finally broke down and paid for a new subscription because I was so frustrated at not being able to upgrade to a joomla 4 template. IMagine my frustration at having paid once again for just a...
7 Replies
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27 November 2023

Started 24 November 2023 by Rob19

Ask a Question Stock images

Hi, I just got PERSONAL subscription license purchased for 1 year. I used some templates when I select a website frame. Question - Those pictures that I will be using, are those licensed as well to...
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2024

Started 10 February 2024 by josephlapuz

Ask a Question No Pictures on Background for all pages possible

Hello On the Theme settings it is not possible to set a background picture for all pages. Is that a failure in Nicepage because the function for setting a picture is available, but it does not...
3 Replies
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03 April 2024

Started 31 March 2024 by stefan.furrer