Ask a Question Double Page in J4

Hi, I now have all pages duplicated. Each page of mine is created with the normal title / menu item and additionally with e.g. . Where can you delete these pages? How can I prevent...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2023

Started 29 January 2023 by Wartburg-Entertainment

Report a bug 5.4.0 update blew up my menu code appeared on the page

Hello, Your 5.4.0 update blew up my menu code appeared on the page or screenshot attached. The capcha of google for the contact form also makes an error see second screen copy. I was able to go back...
9 Replies
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Latest By Auguste

30 January 2023

Started 30 January 2023 by Auguste

Wishlist Change size logo on one page scrolling when menu is static

Hi, can you do the programming so that, on a one page scrolling, the logo changes in size (the large to small) by keeping the menu on the web page. Thank you
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31 January 2023

Started 31 January 2023 by hectorleal

Ask a Question Help with Blog Page

Hi, I've had my blog since last year. My blog contains both social studies, language arts, and general middle school blog posts. I am wondering if I could get 3 buttons on top to click that would say...
4 Replies
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04 February 2023

Started 03 February 2023 by lindacasaro22

Ask a Question Bookmark cms:pages

I've made cloned pages and using Prev and Next to browse through all pages (?id=x). It works fine, but on top of the page I use a banner with photo. Now when cliking on Prev or Next the page jumps to...
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07 February 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by CSE Webdesign

Ask a Question How to insert template in to my page

Hi, I created a new blank page and renamed it "Login". When i try to add a block and choose Block -> templates -> login template.. it opens a new editor called "Login Templates".. When i make my...
5 Replies
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17 May 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by subramanian0331

Ask a Question Speeding up the web for PageSpeed google test

when I test the page using the PageSpeed Insights tool, google tells me that it should reduce the amount of Java Script, or rather delay the loading of java script. Can you suggest a plugin for...
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by filip.filipovic

Ask a Question Can I change the multilingual url slugs?

Hello, I have made my site multilingual, but now I get the slug end ?lang=en or ?lang=lt (depending on the chosen language) on every page. I want to use a subdirectory like .lt/en/ (my site is in...
0 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By m1nte

07 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by m1nte

Ask a Question Slug url of multilingual site

Hello, Am I able to use a subdirectory for my page like, example: .lt/en/ (my page is in Lithuanian language and the second language is English) Now the link urls of the english version end in,...
3 Replies
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08 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by m1nte

Ask a Question wheres my web page !!!!!!!

logged in ,, can only view and not alter site !!!!!!!!!
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08 February 2023

Started 08 February 2023 by propertyall219

Ask a Question Layout changed after upload pages to the hosting server

After editing my web page, I export html files and uploaded the pages to the hosting server. But when I open the page on the internet. The layout changed. But It showed perfectly fine when I open the...
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10 February 2023

Started 09 February 2023 by zgaunc

Ask a Question edited many pages manually, now want to use nicepage to do update, all manual updates will revert, how do I fix?

Ok so my self created problem is that I used GoDaddy file manager to make various manual edits to webpages on my site over some period of time. Now I want to do some more extensive edits using...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2023

Started 16 February 2023 by ramycapital

Ask a Question Nice Page update if I have a branded theme plugin

I created a branded plugin and theme for a client and I see that it is not updated, although there have been several updates to Nice Page. How can I make sure that when new Nice Page updates are...
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20 February 2023

Started 19 February 2023 by WebCet

Ask a Question Woocommerce Shopping Cart & Checkout Page

HOw do i create a WooCommerce shopping cart and checkout page? I can't find any active shopping cart theme blocks as mentioned in search.
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24 February 2023

Started 22 February 2023 by support35422

Ask a Question Joomla 4.2.8 setting home page for nicepage

we are here want to create single page site and be able to later add pages. How do I set this single page as the home page? I have read your instructions THOROUGHLY and they...
6 Replies
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27 February 2023

Started 23 February 2023 by michaelj58