Hello, I'm already published my page from this website domain but the view totally not same like nicepage editor view! You can compare from both side and the result so different! Please fix my slider...
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by fizahhh98

Ask a Question Website Page was saved multiple times during the design process and now I cannot retrieve it.

I created a page last evening, saving my progress multiple times duringthe creation process and I am now unable to retrieve it, please help.
4 Replies
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Latest By mekkitel48

10 June 2024

Started 21 December 2022 by neoproject48

Ask a Question I changed the size for each Home Page in each view

I changed the home page to fit each size including mobile view. On my screen when editing it looks fine but it's not the same when I pull it up on my mobile phone. I've saved it and published it but...
2 Replies
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Latest By floridalandsforsale

23 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by floridalandsforsale


Hello nicepage I can't use my nicepage DESKTOP APPLICATION on my pc 64 bit windows 11; wHEN I LAUNCH MY NICEPAGE IT IS WRITTEN LOADING THEN THE SCREEN REMAIN WHITE AND BLANK. I did not upgrade to...
5 Replies
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Latest By abramsdj

04 January 2023

Started 03 January 2023 by abramsdj

Ask a Question I am unable to copy and paste text within nice page 'rich text' without losing its formatting

I am unable to copy and paste text within nice page to another section of the same 'rich text' box without the pasted text losing all its original formatting. I have to reformat all the pasted text......
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11 January 2023

Started 10 January 2023 by adrian_peters

Ask a Question open link on page open

Is it possible to embed a URL in a page and call it upon opening the page?
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15 January 2023

Started 13 January 2023 by wjt

Ask a Question how can do my landing page live

Hi team how can I make my page live, as I have already build it and it is not getting live on the web.
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16 January 2023

Started 16 January 2023 by newrb009

Ask a Question My website says could not upload and I can not edit the page

My website says could not upload and I can not edit the page
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18 January 2023

Started 18 January 2023 by ndavidson0818

Ask a Question I could not import the page which I designed for wordpress

Hello I just could not import the page which I prepared for my own website. It says that server is too busy right now. 503 error. Can you support me about that issue? Thanks.
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2023

Started 18 January 2023 by timuryilmaz01

Wishlist ⚠️⚠️⚠️ PLEASE VOTE: Intelligent Page Builders

Some time ago there was a function in Nicepage that could create a website fully automatically. I loved this feature and it was unfortunately removed. Dear community, let's show Nicepage developers...
9 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By xvemanuelvx

18 July 2024

Started 19 January 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Wishlist Seriously? I have to publish the entire site to update one page on my server?

Since NP is so terribly buggy on responsive designs, after publishing the site via FTP, if I make a single change to a page to test it, I have to republish the entire site? Sure, I can export / html...
3 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By AlexDex

24 January 2023

Started 21 January 2023 by iRazor

Ask a Question Login Page isn't working

After publishing the login page, I am not able to login as admin in my wordpress website. Kindly help
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Latest By Support Team

23 January 2024

Started 24 January 2023 by i.adam

Ask a Question How can I force a page I repost to update?

When I repost a web page it is not seen until I force the page to reset. Can I make this happen for all viewers automatically?
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24 January 2023

Started 24 January 2023 by RickIHM

Ask a Question Ranking pages does not work offline

Hello, I can't rank the pages offline. What can I do for ranking? Kind regards, Jos
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26 January 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by jos carremans

Ask a Question Having trouble creating a blog page

Hello hope your doing well ! so I'm creating my website and i m know trying to add a blog page. what i did was creating my on page then putting a blog post in it and i linked the post to the blog...
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30 January 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by moutiallah.hamrouni