Ask a Question Need help

Hi dear NicePage team, Im new in this app and wanna ask about something I didn't find in your app. Could you please me explain how to be menu color(font) different color from pages?!0. EX: Page 1:...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 06 February 2021 by valdrin.maloku.vm

Ask a Question Выравнивание в таблице

Здравствуйте. Поставил на сайт таблицу с ценам и в административной части(backend) у меня показывает, что всё выровнено по центру, но с пользовательской части...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by omnibox.sales

Ask a Question Browser Title Bar Colour

Hi. Just finished another web site and noticed the browser title bar (Android) is orange which is one of the colours I use on the site. Never noticed this before. After bit of Googling it seems...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by Gangledore

Report a bug Picture location problem on Samsung Internet browser

Hi, the website I built works fine on all browsers and devices I tried. Only on Samsung Internet browser on mobile phone (Samsung tablet works fine) most of the pictures (but not all) are in the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2021

Started 10 February 2021 by max.haebler

Ask a Question Personal Edition Features

Friends I have a Personal Edition. It was surprising to find that I could not edit my theme colors but only add new colors. OK, so I followed your link and reviewed the differences between the...
4 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

26 March 2021

Started 10 February 2021 by akramnajjar


Good evening I have a very important question is that I was making a web page I liked the program a lot but it already gave me a very big headache because sometimes you fail both in responsive even if...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by GraphicDesignerJF

Report a bug Changing text in text-editor does not allow for font changes

Dear Nicepage, In the text editor I am not allowed to change the font line-height. I just want to change the spacing of the letters but it is not allowed, except for if I go to layout editor. (images...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by THB

Wishlist Copy setting of element to another,

Dear Nicepage, It would be very helpful if you could copy settings (position) from one element to another, or at least to itself. This is particularly when I have to fix the Laptop-Ipad-Phone view....
2 Replies
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Latest By THB

12 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by THB

Wishlist Mouseover filename

Hi there, It would really be nice to have the filename visible with mouse-over when adding an image, like in attached example. Thanks, Kees.
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Latest By eldoradomedia

12 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by eldoradomedia

3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by olivier N

Ask a Question Text input fields colour

Hello, When ever I create a form in NP it works fine I can define colour of text field, background, text colour in the input area etc. How ever when any module in Joomla creates a text input field,...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 February 2021

Started 11 February 2021 by armaghan2

Ask a Question Typewriter effect

Hello, Does Nicepage have a typewriter effect? Best regards, Leon K
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07 July 2022

Started 11 February 2021 by info3228

Report a bug Insert code with WhatsApp link

I need to insert a code with the WhatsApp link and button to stay afloat on all pages of the site. How and where do I put this code? I tried to put it in: Site Settings> HTML> Head HTML Additional....
21 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 March 2021

Started 13 February 2021 by medradoconsultoria

Ask a Question remove add

how do i remove all advertise from a template?
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2021

Started 13 February 2021 by wordmultimediallc

Ask a Question Icon / Text info popups

I'm wondering if there is a way to have highlighted text in a table or a question mark icon at the end of text. That will pop-up a little information bubble? I've attached a screenshot of what I'm...
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2021

Started 14 February 2021 by EvanH