Ask a Question How to disable featured images auto crop?

Hi, I’m having a bit of trouble with image cropping for the featured image of the blog posts. example I want to disable this auto-crop and would like to have the image being shown in full size in...
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2021

Started 17 April 2020 by rhettbutler

Ask a Question image effects

Good afternoon! Please tell me if you can somehow use the editor to make image effects. For example, a shadow when hovering over an image. I can't find this setting.
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Latest By Support Team

23 August 2022

Started 20 April 2020 by tvorec1988

Wishlist Nicepage 2.13: April 23, 2020 - Improved Gallery. Slider Category. 4000+ Block Designs.

Dear Nicepage Community Members! We are delighted to present the new Nicepage 2.13. What's New In This Update? Gallery Improvements Gallery and Slider Block Categories Actual Menu in WordPress...
13 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By FOXIK

29 April 2020

Started 23 April 2020 by Support Team


Hi All, Kudos for all the great work you've been doing. I have a quick question.. I'd like to replicate some of the styles used in this site: I sit possible to do the text...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 April 2020

Started 23 April 2020 by nigel31

Ask a Question Anchor text for links

How/Where do I add anchor text that describes the link's destination?
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2020

Started 24 April 2020 by janstaes01

Wishlist Menu functions

Please add more features for menu such as animations, layouts, ability to edit hamburger panel and more.
2 Replies
4 Votes


27 April 2020

Started 27 April 2020 by muatazjabri.mj2

Ask a Question Premium Plans

Dear Sirs, I have plain to buy premium Designer App Pack. I have a few question. Which version app you are recommended if I want to build my web site on Wordpress platform and WooCommerce? Price for...
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2020

Started 28 April 2020 by hrvoje.katunaric

Ask a Question Deb Kilgore

Hi, I downloaded this program into what I thought was the Hostinger Hosting site. It's one of their options. But now it is saying I have to pay to use it. What did I do wrong? I thought it was...
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Latest By Support Team

29 April 2020

Started 29 April 2020 by proudindian2

Ask a Question What is difference between gallery and image grid

Hello, What is difference between gallery and image grid and is it somehow possible to make picture go to fullscreen when click on them?
4 Replies
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Latest By jan.daliba

30 April 2020

Started 29 April 2020 by jan.daliba

Ask a Question problem with YoastSEO plugin

Hello everybody! I use the YoastSEO plugin. However, I have the problem that the plugin does not seem to recognize my entire page. It claims there are no links or images on the page. But there are...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2020

Started 29 April 2020 by Alex F.

Ask a Question export gallery html

Created regular gallery, that works fine in "quick preview". But when export as HTML, the gallery images do not show up. Inspecting the CSS code, images are referred to "nc" protocol, that of course...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2020

Started 30 April 2020 by klemen

Ask a Question sub menus

I just created a submenu under the Home page called 'facebook'. It works fine. I thne tried to do same again under menu item AIms called Contact wont work?? What am I not doing, doing...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2020

Started 30 April 2020 by Jeff Hartley

Ask a Question SEO Keywords

Hi, I'm intending publishing my new Nicepage website this weekend and I'm currently looking at SEO prior to launch. Could anyone please tell me whether I need to separate keywords as I type them in,...
13 Replies
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

05 August 2020

Started 30 April 2020 by rcmcatering2

Wishlist Slider in container

Hi, Can the slider be placed in a container? Not as separate sections? I mean to set a background for the section and only what is in the container above it was a slider. The section (background)...
3 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 May 2020

Started 01 May 2020 by FOXIK

Ask a Question Definition and clarification for commercial use for pictures.

I've already checked several forums on the topic, but I am not still 100% sure about the following: - Every website is, in a way, commercial. An artist wants to sell his arts; a restaurant wants to...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Alex Meyer

08 May 2020

Started 01 May 2020 by Alex Meyer