sub menus

Jeff Hartley
55 Posts
Jeff Hartley posted this 30 April 2020
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I just created a submenu under the Home page called 'facebook'. It works fine. I thne tried to do same again under menu item AIms called Contact wont work?? What am I not doing, doing wrong??
I keep rereading your tutorial and am sure I am doing it same way second time but it wont work ???

I just created a submenu under the Home page called 'facebook'. It works fine. I thne tried to do same again under menu item AIms called Contact wont work?? What am I not doing, doing wrong?? I keep rereading your tutorial and am sure I am doing it same way second time but it wont work ???
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Jeff Hartley
55 Posts
Jeff Hartley posted this 30 April 2020

oops forgot the project file..says its too big
have deleted images and now reattaching

oops forgot the project file..says its too big have deleted images and now reattaching
Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 May 2020


We checked submenu with your project and this works is fine.
Please, update nicepage to last version and checks one more.

Nicepage Support Team

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Jeff, We checked submenu with your project and this works is fine. Please, update nicepage to last version and checks one more. ................................................... Sincerely, Rami Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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