Ask a Question license issue

hey, i've purchased a pro license and have no idea how to get access to the premium features / insert the license details. please assits
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2021

Started 01 March 2021 by zahavi.mail

Ask a Question HTML size block ???

Hi I am trying to make pages with tables with html inside and it is almost impossible. In table I put HTML code from another plugin which is pretty long, it reads weather station data, it has f.e. 3...
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10 March 2021

Started 02 March 2021 by ondrapavlik

Ask a Question desktop site theme save location

My pc recently crashed and I am transferring files from the old hard drive to the new. I never used the online builder since I preferred using the desktop app and then uploading the zip files into the...
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03 March 2021

Started 03 March 2021 by R.A. Ross

Ask a Question POST

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04 March 2021

Started 03 March 2021 by marinfabrega2

Report a bug Error in new Accordion

Using the new Accordion Icon, it gets displayed in a new line below the text instead of the position behind the text where it was placed in the editor. In the Editor it looks good, but at the life...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2021

Started 04 March 2021 by joerg6

Ask a Question David Wilson, editor of Southend Community News

Dear Team I have an online newspaper, but unfortunately due to the demise of flash,which I had on my site I no longer publish. My questions are: Can I have control of the content of the design ie...
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04 March 2021

Started 04 March 2021 by the.southend.communitynews

Report a bug Reddit Social Icon link

Reddit social icon manifests a bug. The link is truncated regardless of the icon style used. Any other social media icon I've used worked perfectly, even using the Reddit link. I also tried to reorder...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 04 March 2021 by Digital Dreams Games

Ask a Question How To Use WP Plugins

Simple question. I'm kinda embarrassed to ask it, but here goes. It appears that I need to go to the site to use the plugin. Is this correct? The reason I don't want to go there is I don't have...
6 Replies
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11 March 2021

Started 04 March 2021 by gplea1958

Ask a Question como edito mis paginas en wordpress tras subir mi proyecto Nicepage desde FTP?

hola, como edito mis paginas en wordpress tras subir mi proyecto Nicepage desde FTP? he finalizado mi proyecto web, lo subo mediante el panel Nicepage de escritorio por FTP. ya esta online. pero...
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30 July 2024

Started 06 March 2021 by marinfabrega2

Ask a Question Desktop to Server for Joomla CMS

We want to see about using this for CLIENTS and clients aren't going to be doing all your asking to upload from the desktop application. Once I upload this to the server after designing it on desktop,...
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22 March 2021

Started 07 March 2021 by info4295

Ask a Question Publishing my site

I had my site up and running with a placeholder and i deleted that site and then uploaded the new one but when i publish it says site not found. can you help?
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11 March 2021

Started 08 March 2021 by dave2822

Ask a Question Unlock Code after purchase not received

Dear Sir / Madam I bought the NicePage Ultimate version last week and still have not received the download code. Could you please send it to me… Attached is the proof of purchase Please review...
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09 March 2021

Started 08 March 2021 by evolvenam1

Ask a Question Joomla and Menu

Hi, In Joomla 3.9.25 Now I know this could be a repeated question but, cannot find the answer to this specific problem. I have constructed various pages using an Article for each page and designing...
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2021

Started 08 March 2021 by ChrisH

Ask a Question Personal edition upgrade to buisness or pro

Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to buy the personal version, and then pay the difference to the bizness or pro version - I do not know yet whether I will want to buy the pro or business...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

10 March 2021

Started 10 March 2021 by sfilter9

Ask a Question Product Capabilities

I am interested in HTML page designs I can export and past into an e-commerce site (about pages, mission pages, etc.) I can use a whole site export. Additionally, I cant paste a bunch CSS files into...
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12 March 2021

Started 10 March 2021 by mhufford