Ask a Question index.html

why is my index.html linked to aboutus? how can I setup that home is index.html?
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Latest By gizawd2

06 March 2021

Started 06 February 2021 by gizawd2

Ask a Question Отображение стрелок в слайдере

Почему в слайдере с изображениями в двух телефонных режимах не отображаются стрелки для прокрутки? В то время как в режимах для экранов большего размера они присутствуют?
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 06 February 2021 by boris61

Ask a Question upload to hosting

Can I create a website theme / template on the nice page and I will upload the results to the hosting, if possible, how? please upload the solution to hosting
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 February 2021

Started 06 February 2021 by upload144

Ask a Question Dominio Personalizado

Hola buenas tardes, actualmente tenemos un plan de hosting con ustedes, sin embargo queremos que en la barra de direcciones aparezca nuestro dominio personalizado, ¿Nos podrían por favor indicar paso...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by luis.bigchurro

Ask a Question User Field in Article

Hi. I have created a page using Nicepage that is only visible to a particular individuals with a certain User Group and I would like to display some of their User Information on that page when they...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by rumphy6662

Ask a Question Animation onmouseover and loop

Hi, I would like to ask if there is any way how to set icon's animation as a loop or started on mouse over, e.g. like in Themler? My web - These options for animations are...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by miroslav.cihlo

Wishlist Gradient control,

Dear Nicepage, It would be amazing with a little more control and options for the gradient(s)! That would be inside buttons, shapes and backgrounds in general. Link for...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By THB

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by THB

Wishlist Standard adjustments,

Dear Nicepage, It would be very helpful to have basic features like: Flip Horizontally/Vertically, Transform and Rotate. That would be a big help at easing a workflow while also giving a lot of...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By THB

10 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by THB

Ask a Question Using Blog posts in Joomla

Am I correct in assuming I can not make the create blog posts in the desktop but need to use the Joola Add-In to create. I understand the blog block/page pulls articles from Joomla and filtering to...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by rob.dustan

Ask a Question Can we Create E-Commerce Online shop and YouTube Channel Video list

Hi there, I am a newbie (not skill person) I need to know pre purchase information. 1. Can I build Online shop Website (with multiple payment method)? 2. Can I create Video Website & sharing...
4 Replies
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Latest By voodoo

10 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by digiviewbd

Wishlist Adjust margin, in settings

Dear Nicepage, I often find it very difficult to adjust the margins due to all the assets have in the containers. It would be amazing if there was a simple way to type desired margin, or simple to...
9 Replies
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Latest By THB

16 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by THB

Ask a Question form html

Bonjour Dans un site html sur nicepage j'ai ajouté un formulaire simple (voir pièce jointe). Je souhaite que l'internaute puisse envoyer un message et que ce message aille dans une boite mail. Quoi...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by yesitis75

Ask a Question Contactformulieren - element invoegen bijlage voor klanten

Goedenavond, Ik wil bij een contactformulier voor klanten een element toevoegen. Dat de klant de mogelijkheid heeft een bijlage aan het formulier mee te sturen. Is soms noodzakelijk, als klanten...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by info40202

Ask a Question Formatting part of text with bold

Hi - I am trying to stylise a word, a name, by having part in bold. For example Nice**Page** . This looks fine in the program with the one word, but when I export it adds in a space so it become Nice...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By ss71

15 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by ss71

Ask a Question Выравнивание в таблице

Здравствуйте. Поставил на сайт таблицу с ценам и в административной части(backend) у меня показывает, что всё выровнено по центру, но с пользовательской части...
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 07 February 2021 by omnibox.sales