Ask a Question Kein speichern mehr möglich

Hallo, wenn ich online meine Seite bearbeite, kann ich nichts mehr speichen. Es kommt immer der Fehler " Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.Nicepage neu laden" Ich habe jetzt die Premium Version gekauft, aber...
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

21 December 2022

Started 20 February 2021 by neechelon

Ask a Question restore

My windows got crashed. I had to reset the PC. After that my latest backup is around two weeks old. Can i restore my web from the published version
3 Replies
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Latest By msebastian100

21 December 2022

Started 18 December 2022 by faisalm90

Ask a Question Hosted Websites

Will I have to renew (pay for hosting) every year?
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Latest By msebastian100

21 December 2022

Started 19 December 2022 by bpsimmons

Wishlist Nicepage 5.2: December 21, 2022 - Contact Form Cost Calculation. SEO-Friendly URLs

Dear Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new release of Nicepage 5.2. What's New In This Update? Contact Form Calculation Formulas Contact Form Calculation FieldSet Calculation...
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3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by Support Team

Ask a Question Templet which one fits

I have a great Website but like to Update and dont now which templet will fit my needs, feel free to check on my website to see, i have two photo pages and 14 pages with a lot of Contants Feel free...
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by clouddancermedia


Hello, I'm already published my page from this website domain but the view totally not same like nicepage editor view! You can compare from both side and the result so different! Please fix my slider...
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by fizahhh98

Ask a Question Lightbox is grey highlighted

Hello Nicepage team we need to have a Lightbox without any grey highlighted parts (see attachment). See url below Our customer just need text infos bu<t no shaded...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by oneITS

Ask a Question Restore

I have reinstalled windows. I have a copy of my project folder. After installing Nicepage Desktop App, how ican get my work back. I have tried to point the project folder to my copy folder but its not...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by faisalm90

Ask a Question Publish to Azure

I want to know if it is possible with your desktop application to publish the result to my own server hosted on Azure. What type of subscription do I need? thx BR Michel
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by guilgeron

Ask a Question FORMULAIRE

Bonjour mon formulaire fonctionne très bien... Cependant, lorsque je reçois les données du dit formulaire d'un internaute qui l'a rempli, dans mon courriel je peux lire ceci...
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 19 December 2022 by ginette.bouchard

Ask a Question How to add Google recaptca to a contact form

Hi Trying to figure out how to add recapcha to a Contact form. I've added the keys into site settings, and after that add recaptcha to the contact form but nothing is happening. What do i miss? :-)
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2022

Started 15 July 2022 by info6208

Wishlist Mobile Friendly

Is it possible to make my website mobile friendly?
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 December 2022

Started 19 December 2022 by youri8721


Our company, in Joomla 4, we manage the component of subscription and mass mailing: "ACYMAILING", the component in mention, is one of the most used and highlighted worldwide, more than Mailchimp. We...
2 Replies
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Latest By etorres

19 December 2022

Started 17 December 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question font-family

Hi, Is it possible to have more than one font in one object? Like this: font-family: "Gill Sans Extrabold", Helvetica, sans-serif; I know there are pre build elements that have this feature, but I...
8 Replies
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Latest By joaopeixoto

19 December 2022

Started 16 December 2022 by joaopeixoto

Ask a Question Use Google recaptcha DSGVO / GDPR complian

Hi, after several attempts and problems I also managed to embed the Google Wbe Fonts in the Nicepage web pages. That is already good. However, I have now noticed that when using a Google ReCaptcha V3,...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By dh3259

19 December 2022

Started 23 October 2022 by kontakt27