Ask a Question Export Template product list and product details only?

Hello to everyone. After modifying product list and product details, is it possible to export and upload to WP only these 2 templates? Because they are not editable in WP with NP. Or do I need to...
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 15 December 2022 by 25392510

Wishlist Nicepage Odysee support

When does Nicepage intend to support Odysee videos? This is the only thing holding me back from purchasing, it needs more video support other than just YouTube and Vimeo
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by bogepip.voreqi

Ask a Question How to Adding Gravatar to Nicepage made template?

Hi, How do I add a Gravatar to articles that are published using Nicepage? I have a "gravatar" that I would like published to my Joomla blog articles. What are the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by ronny.ko

Ask a Question HTML Code Only

Hi, I am working on a real estate website ( not in here) and I am looking for a program were I can build elements of the site. Then generate the HTML code and place that code on the site I am working...
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 15 December 2022 by sean373

Ask a Question I get not the reference to Joomla out of index.php

I use Nicepage for as template of Joomla 4. Since the last update of Nicepage I get an error when I put a line in 'index.php'. I normally write this <?php $this->setGenerator('my name');...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by Elal

Ask a Question Editing Post Template

Hi Nicepage, Honestly, I'm glad you guys are developing Nicepage theme builder, but there are a few things that are just difficult to understand. So I'm trying to create a projects page template...
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by Light

Wishlist Nicepage Full Standalone

I aim to stick with Nicepage for some time and use it for my works, but for this to be possible, some things need to be resolved quickly. I'd like to ask for faster development and implementation of...
2 Replies
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Latest By Light

15 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by Light

Ask a Question Consulta URGENTE

Hola, como estais? Tengo un problema y necesito vuestra ayuda... por un reseteo de mi notebook, no tengo respaldado el sitio creado con Nicepage, y tengo que hacer unas...
7 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

15 December 2022

Started 23 November 2022 by enric.comellas

Ask a Question blog template and post template

Hello Is it possible to put this template page as a blog template or post template, in joomla and...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by JPR

Ask a Question Disable Google Fonts

Hello Sir or Madame, thank you for developing Nicepage. Its a very usefull plugin I tried for hours now, to disable google fonts, but there is still an forward to google "link...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

15 December 2022

Started 15 December 2022 by a.hoch90

Report a bug Video incorrect aspect-ration/cropping

Why do videos in mobile view crop incorrectly? Is this just a preview bug or will this happen when exported to a live environment?
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Latest By Support Team

15 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by bogepip.voreqi

Ask a Question Voetregel

Hi, krijg steeds een voetregel met reclame bv "created with " hoe kan ik dit verwijderen ? Hi, I keep getting a footer with advertising eg "created with " how can I remove this?
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Latest By Support Team

15 December 2022

Started 15 December 2022 by Goos de Ruiter

Wishlist Can you add a previous/next button to a blog post?

Is it possible to add a previous post/ next post to a blog post? Ideally, the links would be labelled with the previous and next post's titles such as < episode 4>> Thanks
3 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

15 December 2022

Started 19 August 2020 by chrismendla

Ask a Question Receive logo url problem from google

I received a mail from Google Search Console Team stating that there is a missing field 'url' issue I tried to find out what the issue is but cannot find it. See attached file
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Tadashi

15 December 2022

Started 27 January 2022 by reyerschouten2

Report a bug Post Excerpt

Follow-up question(s): changing the number of words in the excerpt length field or turning off auto-excerpt does not appear to have any impact on the excerpts appearing in the blog post template. That...
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Latest By Support Team

15 December 2022

Started 15 December 2022 by christian.koboldt