Ask a Question Error after installing : can't use nice page

French user I've asked the support and can't obtain other response than "install the last version". I'm under MacOS Mojave ; I downloaded and installed the last version (it was the same under v3.3) ;...
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 22 December 2022 by noel.dubau

Report a bug Cookies & Privacy Policy

How do I turn off the Cookies & Privacy Policy GDPR as it is coming up on every page - so annoying I cannot see where I can turn it off so that it doesn't come up at all
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 22 December 2022 by colin1002

Ask a Question PHP feature

I am using the PHP code snippet! as per example: <?php?> echo "This is Sample PHP"; ?> Expecting "This is Sample PHP" to be displayed on the screen... but nothing happens!! What am I...
12 Replies
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Latest By shizzart90

22 December 2022

Started 08 April 2019 by Mr LH

Ask a Question Thai display is not correct

I was subscribed to Business to used Google Font but when I select font Noto Serif Thai Preview web can't display correctly
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22 December 2022

Started 22 December 2022 by doraemon.nnnnn

Ask a Question Leads

how can i delete this and i dont understand it for what it is
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22 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by Robert Ruppenstein

Report a bug Block export und import fehler

Hallo, also der export von Block geht, nur leider kann mehr es nicht mehr importieren, habe es mit verschiedenen Browser probiert. Wäre toll wenn man das beheben könnte. Beste Grüße
3 Replies
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22 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by Hami - Muhamed K.

Ask a Question Random Video Background

Hello... I really like that videobackground option, but is it possible to generate a list of videos that are show by random if anyone visits the site... if not it would be a great feature ... cheers,...
4 Replies
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22 December 2022

Started 02 May 2020 by chillkyway

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22 December 2022

Started 11 September 2020 by andrey.pavlov

Ask a Question Can't install

Hi, I'm trying to install nicepage on my computer but it stucks while installing. So wont go further. What is the solution?
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22 December 2022

Started 15 April 2022 by awmaya1

Report a bug Разные макеты грида в представлениях для компьютеров и моб. телефона

Здравствуйте. На своем сайте заметил следущий баг: в представлении для телефона в горизонтальном положении макет грида отличается от остальных представлений. Скрины...
4 Replies
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Latest By olegas73

22 December 2022

Started 19 December 2022 by olegas73

Ask a Question Paste text in Nicapage from Word

When I copy text from Word and I paste it in Nicepage the text style mess up and an "image text" is pasted together. Is there any way to safely paste text in Nicepage from Microsoft Word?
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by a.torriero

Ask a Question HTML page head - rel=canonical preferences

If you have built your own HTML websites like me you might use and know about the rel=canonical indexing of a page. When building and export HTML websites using Nicepage you will find the developers...
8 Replies
14 Votes

Latest By Greg Cogar

22 December 2022

Started 15 March 2019 by Greg Cogar

Ask a Question Marquee text

Hello. I know that you can't add marquee text with internal tools. Do you have an example CSS code to animate the text?
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by

Ask a Question Form

When creating a form why can't I have the option to have elements both horizontally and vertically? like a box. It should be a very common thing not all elements in a form are either distributed...
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by rawancs

Ask a Question Virtuemart store only?

Hello When exporting templates to virtual stores in joomla from nicepage desktop, do they only work for virtuemart or are there others that can be used? thank you
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by JPR