Ask a Question MySql query via php script

how do i make a normal or a custom query of a mysql in nicepage via php script? user-defined means that the user e.g. first has to give his name and then gets the necessary data. and by normal I mean...
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2022

Started 23 December 2022 by Sorrow Finest

Ask a Question Gallery showing latest images from a folder

We have many options for displaying images but I cannot find how to display then dynamically. Is there a way to load images from a folder and always have the latest image display on the top left. If...
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Latest By Romuba

26 December 2022

Started 24 December 2022 by Romuba

Ask a Question I need an expert to transfer my website to Site ground

I need an expert to Transfer a web site
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2022

Started 23 December 2022 by victor1221

Ask a Question your software is giving us design freedom

with nicepage we have design freedom, compared to wordpress with elementor you cannot put multiple buttons in a block something that elementor of wordpress cannot do thank you for your design of this...
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2022

Started 24 December 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Please note this functionality is deprecated

Hi! I want to know where to find Quick Builders? It is the best and easy way to create a website. May I know why it has been discontinued the system?
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Latest By Support Team

25 December 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by markzuke

Wishlist deactivate publishing to

Why does Nicepage force me to use a sub.domain in the site settings under Web Address? It would be nice to be able to turn that feature off if one doesn't need or want it.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 December 2022

Started 23 December 2022 by rocket77

Ask a Question I changed the size for each Home Page in each view

I changed the home page to fit each size including mobile view. On my screen when editing it looks fine but it's not the same when I pull it up on my mobile phone. I've saved it and published it but...
2 Replies
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Latest By floridalandsforsale

23 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by floridalandsforsale

Ask a Question Nicepage server unreachable? What's going on?

I just noticed that my new website hosted on Nicepage server is unreachable (see attached screenshot from What's going on?
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23 December 2022

Started 21 December 2022 by Gene@SmartBiz

Ask a Question Planos

Boa tarde. Gostaria de saber mais dos sobre os planos? Do gratuito para o de 79?
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23 December 2022

Started 22 December 2022 by willenshofer

Ask a Question Save page as *.php

Hello!) How can i save pages as *.php? Thanks.
11 Replies
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23 December 2022

Started 15 June 2021 by jesus078

Ask a Question How to export a existing NicepageTemplate out of joomla

Hi nicepage, I need to move a NicepageTemplate created for Joomla 3 incl.all the content to a new server and a new joomla 4.0. How can I do this? Thanx in advance. Tanja
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 23 December 2022 by tst2

Ask a Question Footer V-Menu

Hi Nicepage, I designed a website using text as the footer menu to create vertical menu since there isn't any option for it... I linked on the text accordingly. Does this have any negative effect I...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 19 December 2022 by Light

Ask a Question Can't change the Content Area Width for Laptops

I cannot change the width of the responsive mode for laptops. For desktops I changed it to 1920, for laptops I want to change it to 1504, but it is not possible. It always returns the value 1199. Is...
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 23 December 2022 by pracownik

Ask a Question Error after installing : can't use nice page

French user I've asked the support and can't obtain other response than "install the last version". I'm under MacOS Mojave ; I downloaded and installed the last version (it was the same under v3.3) ;...
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 22 December 2022 by noel.dubau

Report a bug Cookies & Privacy Policy

How do I turn off the Cookies & Privacy Policy GDPR as it is coming up on every page - so annoying I cannot see where I can turn it off so that it doesn't come up at all
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2022

Started 22 December 2022 by colin1002