Ask a Question sliders

would you like to show me a tutorial or howto for the sliders of nicepage? thank you sarantopoulos nikos
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2022

Started 30 December 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Backup Help - My hard drive is damaged

My hard drive crashed and I lost the page backup. But it is published in: Is there a way to download this page to use it as a backup? If you could help me Thank...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by avada360

Report a bug Bug: Responsive design is not considered when copying an element

Responsive design is not considered when copying an element When I copy and paste an element, the responsive customizations are not taken into account. The project file and a screen recording is...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Font size for each screen size

Hi! I have seen that if i set font size in theme setting than it will be same for all screen size. Is there option where i can set font size different for different screen? I mean if a para font is...
8 Replies
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30 December 2022

Started 13 February 2022 by markzuke

Wishlist Adding parent foldername to menu editor

Something i ve been struggling with a decent bit is, i m trying to make a somewhat bigger website with folder structure and that works fine and all, but i m running into a massive problem I m trying...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by 4n0n H4x0r

Wishlist Photo folder permanent

I need such functionality that the folder with photos is added all the time and that you can use the photo from it, at the moment I have to add separate photos for each project, it is very tedious
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by powermusican

Ask a Question ecommerce

Hi, If I build a website and host it on Nice Page, how do I build an ecommerce component? Thanks
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by barry1732

Ask a Question starter plane

Can i save my site by "Static HTML" if i have starter plan?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by

Ask a Question multilanguage embebed booking system

Hi support. I am developing a multilanguage website with a booking system. The booking system supports multilanguage and there is a different booking link for each language. However when I embeb one...
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29 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by Pedro.Reis

Ask a Question Responsive Design is not working properly on mobile Page if you open on mobile, you can swipe to the right side. Do you know any solution to this? I'm using html export
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Latest By atelier.fouad.khouri

29 December 2022

Started 29 December 2022 by atelier.fouad.khouri

Ask a Question Vertical menu

is it possible to create a vertical menu in nicepage?
32 Replies
56 Votes

Latest By anderek

29 December 2022

Started 19 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question Forms - disable selection of date input in history

Hello Nicepage support, Is there any way to use Date input in the form, allowing to select only dates in a future? The form I am trying to create is used to ask for the price quote for hotel...
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29 December 2022

Started 20 December 2022 by michal84

Report a bug Bug! Language element is not displayed

The language element is not displayed on the website. It works in the Nicepage Editor as well as in the Quick Preview, but it does not work in the browser preview or on the exported page. I had the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 December 2022

Started 30 September 2022 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question where is the script that creates the success/failure signal after form submit

Can anyone explain how the success/failure message after a form submission works in detail? I am trying to use a form originally created with nicepage with a different PHP script, so the submission...
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29 December 2022

Started 28 December 2022 by v.piasta

Ask a Question Export pages from desktop to wordpress

Hello, this is my situation. I have designed my whole website using wordpress and Nicepage plugin. Then I have designed some new pages in Nicepage desktop How can I export those pages from desktop...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 December 2022

Started 31 March 2022 by rlaria