Ask a Question Website not showing

Hi! I just connected my domain to nice page hosting like few minutes ago...but my website is not showing up. Why is this happening?
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Latest By lalaveikune

31 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by lalaveikune

Ask a Question Grid variations

On the sales page it says that the Pro version has 100+ grid variations. As I have been focused on this, due to not being able to edit them to ad / remove cells, I find that there are only 87...
14 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 06 November 2018 by mike10

Ask a Question Crop an image without option 'Fit'

Hi, can't find a solution so I ask the experts :-) I have an image of, let's say, 400x400 px. Without expanding it to the background I want to resize the dimensions to 400x300px, but without changing...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2023

Started 28 March 2023 by spoetnic

Ask a Question How can I include the lang attribute when I activate Nicepage?

I want to include in my web page the following Attribute so that my web is identified as a web in Spanish. < html xml:lang lang> I uploaded the attribute in image because it gets removed when...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2023

Started 27 March 2023 by suscripciones3

Ask a Question long page, jump to block

I have a long page. One of the blocks is very attractive. I want to show it to my friends. Could I create a URL so that I can share the link to them? If they click the URL, they'll see that block...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2023

Started 29 March 2023 by wskdavid

Ask a Question WordPres

Hola Donde están los bloque reusables en WordPress?, tengo qye hacer varias lanings pero varios bloques de diseño se repiten, quiero crear un bloque que con actualizarlo una sola vez, se pueda...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by web5162

Ask a Question Seite sichern

ich habe nun eine Seite erstellt und sie gesichert, wenn ich aber wieder ins nicepage online builder menu gehe, erscheint meine bearbeitete Version nicht, sondern nur die ursprüngliche Seite. Was kann...
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by flyingilka

Ask a Question online builder

Hola 1) La opción de online builder, es lo mismo que la del escritorio?, bueno pasarme una plantilla que tengo en la versión escritorio y ponerla en online builder? 2) Cuantos sitios puedo tener en...
1 Reply
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by web5162

Report a bug Nicepage.js Syntax Errors preventing Menu from displaying

NicePage V5.7.9 Desktop Editor Exporting as HTML files Viewed on Google Chrome I have a site that includes a menu bar on all pages, used to navigate between the pages. About half the time when a page...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by curtis.richard.harrison

Ask a Question Index page and Home page

It's included me how NicePage was intended to create the index.html page as well as a home.html page without having to have both of them. Is there a tutorial or can you give me some direction on this?
8 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 March 2023

Started 10 June 2020 by ctech-webdev

Ask a Question Hosting

I am a graphic designer from Belgium and would like to use NicePage as a web builder. Can I host my created website anywhere, or do I have to host it at NicePage?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by tonyjansen40

Ask a Question Poor results on Google with Nicepage website

Dear Nicepage Team, Unfortunately, I am having serious problems getting my site indexed by Google, despite filling out the SEO info. The results on other search engines are even worse. One serious...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 26 March 2023 by dimitrivanderwerf

Ask a Question Nice page with Wordpress

I was wondering, can I capture Facebook posts and post them to my nicepage wordpress page? I would like to capture Facebook info and display on Wordpress?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by Dr Rick Williams

Ask a Question Breadcrumb for pages

Dear all, I can see that the breadcrumb option for Wordpress is functional on articles and blog pages. Therefore I can't get it on my normal pages. Then, I have tried to insert between my header and...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by polperonnet

Ask a Question Changes are not getting saved online, please help!

hello, yesterday i cloned the german site and started to implement the manual translations. this morning, half of my work wasn't saved even though nice page does automatic saving in between. now i...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by PROJEDA