Wishlist reCaptcha V2

Thank you for adding recaptcha support V3 to Nicepage. However, myself and many others still report a lot of spam. Would it be possible to add support for V2, even this request form has reCaptcha V2,...
14 Replies
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Latest By glasgowspeaker

01 April 2023

Started 14 September 2020 by wouter.schatteman

Ask a Question SSL for monkeybubbles.shop

Please advise when the free Cert will be installed for this site.
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Latest By will.sancheze

01 April 2023

Started 01 April 2023 by will.sancheze

Ask a Question What's the best way to create sitemap in footer?

What's the best way to create sitemap in footer?
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2023

Started 03 June 2022 by TechHouz

Report a bug Lack of SITEMAP support

Sites hosted on Nicepage lack a sitemap which causes them to be penalised by search engines and advertising platforms. This is more than a missing feature. The lack of an ability to upload or to...
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01 April 2023

Started 18 May 2022 by AdamL

Ask a Question Nicepage - Adding Page SEO and sitemap

Hi How do you add SEO into nicepage pages? How do you add the pages into a sitemap? Thank you
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Latest By exlemor2

01 April 2023

Started 30 June 2022 by eleanor4

Abuse why my website address appears as protected page

hi my website address is https://scapelc.nicepage.io It works well before, however, today when clicking on it, it goes to a protected page that requires a password. I don't know what the password...
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2023

Started 01 April 2023 by scapelc

Report a bug Sites Dissapeared - not showing up in online builder either

Hi, My sites have dissapeared from my account. I installed a new system and it wasn't syncing my sites, so I logged in online and they're not there either. In the past they were there and if I...
2 Replies
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Latest By contact8882

01 April 2023

Started 01 April 2023 by contact8882

Ask a Question need tutorials for form submit

Hello i wan to know about the submit form wheere my email body and subject line to be defined kindly send the tutorial video
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31 March 2023

Started 31 March 2023 by purnasekhhu

Ask a Question Adding a Bookmark to a web page

How do I setup Bookmarks on a webpage for links.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

31 March 2023

Started 31 March 2023 by rsmith7011

Ask a Question Bigger Videos

Is it possible to put bigger videos in the backround of the page? Im trying to do so but in wordpress the maximum is 10MB. the video i like to put there is 500mb. is there a way to do so?
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31 March 2023

Started 31 March 2023 by dennis_1909

Ask a Question photo inversée

Hello, I've uploaded a photography in nicepage but it's always flipped. I don't know how to get it in the right sens.
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31 March 2023

Started 29 March 2023 by maison.lalongere

Ask a Question How to update the Theme in Wordpress?

I got the following message: The active theme has a version lower than the plugin version. Please update the theme too." I did a lot of work in the plugin. How do I update my theme?
7 Replies
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31 March 2023

Started 06 May 2021 by alexander_ritter

Ask a Question Stop Spam

How do i stop spam messages on my sites?
3 Replies
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Latest By frey2

31 March 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by getroyaltyservices

Report a bug reCAPTCHA doesn't work

I have enabled recaptcha v.3 in my form. I did enter site key and security key. But i still get aaaallloooott spam mails everyday. Why is that?
13 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By frey2

31 March 2023

Started 23 April 2020 by charlie61

Ask a Question ReCaptcha V3 score

Hello, how should I set the score or priority of incoming e-mail from contact form? Here is the problem. We have implemented the ReCaptcha V3 by your guide, in response of form we have received the...
2 Replies
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Latest By frey2

31 March 2023

Started 28 March 2023 by bachurek