Ask a Question There is a possibility to import pages in wordpress without your nicepage app ?

There is a possibility to import pages in wordpress without your nicepage app ? Because it is impossble to import site pages with your app in wordpress
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Latest By Support Team

09 July 2020

Started 09 July 2020 by olivier N

Ask a Question Custom Page Size

How I can create a page with Custom Size settings? E.g 500px x 500px? Thanks for help Regards Lukasz
13 Replies
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Latest By summercurrants

26 June 2023

Started 09 July 2020 by lpiziak

Ask a Question Can the forms builder used to create multi-page forms?

Hi, Nicepage Team. I was thinking in create a pulti-page form that can help my visitors to complete a "kind of survey" form so I can ask them about specific types of services that they could like and...
4 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

15 July 2020

Started 15 July 2020 by LGALLP

Report a bug Dont do this - like I did - Never refresh a preview page

Yesterday I stayed home and spent nearly 2 hours working on a landing page in a wordpress site using the nicepage plugin . The page was auto saving - great I thought, as I can always go back if I...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 July 2020

Started 20 July 2020 by voodoo

Ask a Question Errors loading a website with lots of pages + the sitemap is kind of a mess without levels

Hello again, Nicepage Team! Hope you´re having a good day. I´m re-designing a huge website wich have more than 30 pages I think, and had two different problems: I exported the project from my...
4 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

29 July 2020

Started 21 July 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Add an hero image on post and blog page

I have created a theme for Wordpress and applied a sidebar to posts. I would like to add a banner image right under the navigation in full width. Is there a way I can achieve it? I tried a a widget...
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Latest By Support Team

22 July 2020

Started 21 July 2020 by dan1924

Ask a Question Question about pages for html

Hello. I would like to know if you guys plan on programming nicepage to create pages that doesnt end with the html extension. In other words, whenever you create additional pages, those pages show the...
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Latest By Support Team

23 July 2020

Started 23 July 2020 by icuinvestmentsoft2

Ask a Question website with multiple pages etc.

I have a few questions which are probably answered somewhere in the list of discussions but maybe not, since they don't come up in the short list of answers. #1 is, can I do a multi-page site in your...
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2020

Started 29 July 2020 by jonathanandersonstewart

Ask a Question where is my page?

My website contains a page 'boeken' The page is really there: But the menu item boeken doesn't have 'a hand' with mouseover and so I can't...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2020

Started 29 July 2020 by kees

Wishlist Page popups

It would be great to have an option/solution that would allow for a popup to be added like a section to individual pages. The popup would be triggered by a timer; on page load or page exit! Even...
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2020

Started 30 July 2020 by Mr LH

Ask a Question Remove edit page button on website frontend

Hello, i want to remove the edit page button. When i am in Themler, to edit the template, this button is here. I have to unlock the site each time and it is not functionnal. In general, i never use...
4 Replies
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Latest By nicepage38122

17 May 2021

Started 02 August 2020 by frederic

Ask a Question How to fix loading page error

I understand that this is caused by deleted page or changed name or something but how i can fix it,
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Latest By Support Team

09 September 2020

Started 02 August 2020 by

Ask a Question External pagination example. Please add a simple pagination to Nicepage Builder - #lgallp

I´ve used an external pagination HTML code because I didn´t wanted to use Sub-menu items and pagination looks prettier like in this case... so, I´ve made a video showing you the problem I had and how...
2 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

04 August 2020

Started 03 August 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question a banner whit a nice page logo is in my export?

a banner whit a nice page logo is in my export?
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Latest By Support Team

04 August 2020

Started 03 August 2020 by networking

Ask a Question Remove - created with nice page in the footer

Dear Admin, I have started using Nicepage, and it's really nice to create nice pages based on the website design. I have a query that when I try to export it " it says created with nice page in the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2023

Started 07 August 2020 by vtshreeram