Remove edit page button on website frontend

107 Posts
frederic posted this 02 August 2020
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i want to remove the edit page button.

When i am in Themler, to edit the template, this button is here. I have to unlock the site each time and it is not functionnal.
In general, i never use the frontend option to edit a site.

So if is there a way to delete it ?

Hello, i want to remove the edit page button. When i am in Themler, to edit the template, this button is here. I have to unlock the site each time and it is not functionnal. In general, i never use the frontend option to edit a site. So if is there a way to delete it ?
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107 Posts
frederic posted this 02 August 2020

I have put a css code with a display none in the template and it is ok.


EDIT : I have put a css code with a display none in the template and it is ok. Regards
Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 August 2020

Hi Frédéric,

There is no way to disable this button when you are logged into the site backend. It is not visible for the other users.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Frédéric, There is no way to disable this button when you are logged into the site backend. It is not visible for the other users. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
107 Posts
frederic posted this 03 August 2020

Yes, the way is like i said in my last post :)

a.edit-nicepage-button {
display: none !important;


Yes, the way is like i said in my last post :) a.edit-nicepage-button { display: none !important; } Regards

Last edited 03 August 2020 by frederic

1 Posts
nicepage38122 posted this 17 May 2021

I had the same issue and it works when added to CSS. Thank you

I had the same issue and it works when added to CSS. Thank you
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