Ask a Question Repeating the Footer on the rest of the pages

How can I reapat the Footer on the rest of the pages?
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Latest By Support Team

13 August 2020

Started 10 August 2020 by arq.rnunez

Ask a Question Nice page contact form

Can any one help me with nice page contact form for my website I am trying to build a contact form for my website But finding it difficult to setup my submit button to send booking information to my...
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Latest By Support Team

13 August 2020

Started 12 August 2020 by Imperial Hotel Management Training Institute

Report a bug CF Form Recaptcha integration lost everytime I modifiy a page with NicePage

Hi, I face the same issue with several Wordpress with NicePage. I use contact form with NicePage. It works fine. I set recaptcha integration data on CF settings (private key etc... ). It's OK and...
2 Replies
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Latest By contact183

20 August 2020

Started 19 August 2020 by contact183

Ask a Question Can Nicepage Desktop only show page's name. Not full page with preview.

Dear Sir, I am using Nicepage to make my own website. Since I make more than 50pages now. It is too hard to find a page with full preview. Is there any option to only show page's name instead of full...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2020

Started 20 August 2020 by ckhosam

Report a bug Changing Tabs - Page Move

How do you stop the page from moving when you click to change tabs? It moves... too high up... and covers the tabs... so you cant see the next one - this doesn't make any sense, I've never seen any...
7 Replies
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Latest By liannedelange7

08 March 2024

Started 21 August 2020 by webxsite

Ask a Question Site body script on all pages

Hi, Is it possible to add a script (see below) to all pages bodies without the need to add the script on each site?
4 Replies
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Latest By tu2

25 August 2020

Started 21 August 2020 by tu2

Ask a Question i need upload a 24mb file for a PDF page but i can't

Hi, I need upload a 24mb file for a PDF page but i can't how can i do this? Thank you for any information regards Kadda
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24 August 2020

Started 21 August 2020 by kadda25

Ask a Question Nicepage Header - Woocommerce Pages

So I'm using a Woocommerce Wordpress theme, installed Nicepage plugin with my custom Nicepage header and footer. It works as it should on pages designed in Nicepage but all the woocommerce pages?...
7 Replies
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19 March 2021

Started 23 August 2020 by webxsite

Ask a Question Wordpess issue

Hello, i am testing nicepage on wordpress and I have an issue. I can't change my first page for a Nicepage's page. I can add pages but if I open it's not a beautiful page like I...
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2020

Started 25 August 2020 by Eliot.malsert

Ask a Question Blog post section with history pages.

Hi, I’ve been building my site on my NAS using WordPress & NicePage. I have a static home page that has basic info, links to categorised pages and a recent posts feed. The other pages, that are...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 August 2020

Started 26 August 2020 by OKE.M

Ask a Question export page or project from joomla website

Hi, I see that export page from joomla website is impossible, but this is a great problem because if i begin desktop and continue to modify online i have two project not sincronized and if i have...
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27 August 2020

Started 27 August 2020 by fxhappy

Ask a Question Joomla Featured Articles area in home-page

Is it possible to create on the homepage an area where you can view the featured articles of joomla?
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2021

Started 29 August 2020 by

Ask a Question Exporting multiple css files for pages instead of just one.

Why when I export as HTML it gives me a stylesheet CSS for every single page and not just one css file in a css folder????? Not very tidy.
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Latest By Support Team

31 August 2020

Started 30 August 2020 by christa112

Ask a Question Menu error - change page template

Hello ! When i want to change my menu or just would to be visible on the website, a message appears : "Entête will not be visible on website please change page template". I don't undestand what i have...
11 Replies
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Latest By rider-lioran

14 September 2020

Started 31 August 2020 by rider-lioran

Ask a Question Page width

Hello, I already read on the forum, but is it really impossible to change the width of the page arbitrarily? The project is 1920 px wide, with completely different proportions. This is one of the...
4 Replies
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Latest By tanker974

29 October 2021

Started 31 August 2020 by radek108