Ask a Question need your help to export website

Dear Sir, I need your help to export website ...
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Latest By Support Team

12 March 2021

Started 09 January 2021 by iec.faizabad

Ask a Question When export to Joomla blocks are missing

Hello, unfortunatly when i am export my finished template to joomla it doenst work propeply. All blocks & grids are missing. Could you help me? In the attached files you will find some...
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Latest By Support Team

11 January 2021

Started 11 January 2021 by kernthaler

Ask a Question export settings

Hi where i can change my export settings ?
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18 January 2021

Started 11 January 2021 by timduris

Ask a Question Export just one block

Hi there. I have a page and I'd like to add some nice box with option to subscribe my newsletter. Can I create it in Nicepage and just copy the code I could paste on my website? If yes, how to do...
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Latest By Support Team

13 January 2021

Started 13 January 2021 by mateusz.wawra

Wishlist Export online site to desktop site free

Hi Nicepage. I love using Nicepage for building website and am currently using the free version. I made a site in your web version and now i need to export it so i can open it up in either Wordpress...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 January 2021

Started 13 January 2021 by pmmdk1999

Ask a Question Word press inquiry

I currently have a domain through Godaddy and recently added word press. Will I be able to export site to godaddy/ wordpress?
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Latest By Support Team

15 January 2021

Started 14 January 2021 by gemm2006

Ask a Question exporter un site vers wordress

Bonjour, Est-il possible de commencer à construire une site sur nicepage desktop et le terminer dans worpress? Est ce que la mise en page restera identique?? Merci. Cordialement. Isabelle.
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Latest By Support Team

20 January 2021

Started 20 January 2021 by yesitis75

Report a bug WordPress export lost home page

NicePage 3.4.1 - WordPress export is loosing home page setting. I have set different home page in desktop version. After export and import into WordPress server this custom home page is lost. Page is...
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2021

Started 22 January 2021 by pavel.hosek

Report a bug Export to WordPress change button links

I set template page as a link for my custom button. But after export and import into WordPress link is broken - fifferent. In desktop version I linked page with name workout - link is set as...
2 Replies
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Latest By pavel.hosek

26 January 2021

Started 22 January 2021 by pavel.hosek

Report a bug can not export to Html

hi you've said in starter version, we can export projects as Static HTML file ! but i can't !! please help me , the app force me to buy license thanks
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Latest By MerlinAZ

23 January 2021

Started 23 January 2021 by faraji.nima76

Ask a Question Can I export HTML, Javascript and CSS as one file.

Is it possible to export HTML, Javascript and CSS as one file? Thanks!
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2021

Started 26 January 2021 by minniehahahaya

Ask a Question Images exported dont load

Hi! I am new to creating sites and I am having a lot of problems. I already have a domain and a host (hostgator), and have been building my site using nicepage desktop version for mac ox. I have...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2021

Started 28 January 2021 by lukmiles

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Latest By lucazanettin

29 January 2021

Started 29 January 2021 by lucazanettin

Ask a Question Export web

Hi! I have the free plan (1 website - 2 pages) and when a try to export the HTML it says I need a premium plan, but regarding your plans I have all what you require for a free one. What am I doing...
4 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

01 February 2021

Started 01 February 2021 by admin5092

Ask a Question HTML Export Free Plan - Desktop App

Your web claims HTML export is available on the Free plan. When I try to do it I'm told I need a Paid plan. I tried on both the web and desktop versions. What's the deal?
2 Replies
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Latest By npx10111

02 February 2021

Started 02 February 2021 by npx10111