Ask a Question problème texte en anglais pour les dates dans le formulaire

problème texte en anglais pour les dates dans le formulaire alors qu'il devrait être en français
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04 October 2023

Started 02 October 2023 by olivier N

Ask a Question form on the website

Please let me know how to create a form on a website that will not be saved in any database, but will simply be sent to the target email address. I don't want information about sent forms to be saved...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 October 2023

Started 05 October 2023 by

Ask a Question contact form settings doesn't display option for form form submission

I recently noticed that my nicepage app doesn't display options for form submission when I try to edit my "submit to" settings. It only displays email submission option. I want to use a custom php to...
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Latest By Support Team

09 October 2023

Started 07 October 2023 by ihediohaudoka

Wishlist rotate box

sería genial que pudiésemos rotar las box, o por lo menos ademas de la opción voltear horizontalmente, también en vertical. multiplicaria las opciones de diseño realmente. y por ejemplo en...
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14 November 2023

Started 14 November 2023 by marinfabrega2

Ask a Question Is there a way to change the subject in a contact form

Hey guys! So we have a bit of a problem on our site when someone submits a contact for or something it says you have a new mesage from a customer on (our website name) is there a way to change this so...
5 Replies
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24 November 2023

Started 23 November 2023 by pcgamerkrue

Wishlist Formulier instellingen

Is het mogelijk om het contactformulier zodanig in te stellen, dat je de mail kunt beantwoorden die je krijgt nadat iemand het formulier heeft ingevuld en dat de reactie dus naar het ingevulde email...
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Latest By Support Team

24 November 2023

Started 24 November 2023 by julian.rocketagency

Ask a Question Add shortcode to form

Dear Nicepage Support Team, I am encountering an issue when trying to add a shortcode to a form created with your website builder. The shortcode is intended to display a toggle (checkbox), but...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2023

Started 30 November 2023 by

Ask a Question FORMULAIRE

Pourquoi les renseignements saisis dans un formulaire arrivent dans COURRIER INDÉSIRABLE un fois envoyés ???
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Latest By ginette.bouchard

17 January 2024

Started 16 January 2024 by ginette.bouchard

Ask a Question Creating a Simple Payment Form

Hi there. I don't need a full eCommerce install for my business. I just need a simple form the client fills in, that calculates the amount of the order, and then sends them to pay via PayPal or...
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05 February 2024

Started 04 February 2024 by mac.wheeler

Ask a Question blank form template

Is there a blank form template without the contact pattern, I'm doing a project where I interact with an esp32 and the contact forms come with a lot of things that I don't need and I'll probably have...
4 Replies
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09 March 2024

Started 04 March 2024 by odair.perazza2009

Ask a Question Form submission scripts

Good day there. I have been using your service for over a year now and my single subscription has expired. I was under the understanding hat it was a life subscription ... anyway i was asking how one...
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05 March 2024

Started 05 March 2024 by ngondomt

Ask a Question URGENT: problem with form

Hello, I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that has arisen with our website's contact forms in recent days. We have been experiencing significant problems with all the contact forms...
8 Replies
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Latest By info53412

15 March 2024

Started 12 March 2024 by matteocanzio

Report a bug Checkbox with WP / Contact Form 9.x

Important (!) Please Fix hurry up and contact me here. Thanks When Use the Nicepgage Form with Wordpress Contact Form 7 and you Update CF7 to Version 5.9.x, 5.9.2.x The Form cant send, only Error....
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2024

Started 29 March 2024 by @ITS

Ask a Question Submit Form to Google Sheet w/o Nicepage hosting?

Hi, I'm working on a form, which should submit the data to Google Sheet. My question is, when I build the site with Online builder and connect the Google sheet according your instructions...
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18 April 2024

Started 17 April 2024 by Smiley

Ask a Question forms not working

Dear Team Nicepage The form on is not working. We added the send form with php option. But it is showing error Kindly resolve the issue of sending mail with regards Labhesh Support
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30 April 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by labheshinteractive