Ask a Question EMail Contact Form

I have a question regarding the EMail Contact Form: Witch settings must I use when I insert my own E-Mail Adress?? The Contct form dont work! Thanks for help Harald
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Latest By Support Team

11 November 2021

Started 22 October 2018 by mail5

Ask a Question Form --> Input

I created an inputform with the phone number. How can change the format of the phone number that is needed? Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

02 November 2018

Started 01 November 2018 by iop_home

Ask a Question Container Object Stickiness

I have a lot of confusion over when and how objects within a container are attached to sides of a container. In other words, when you add objects to a container, when and how do they become attached...
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Latest By Support Team

02 November 2018

Started 01 November 2018 by dan

Ask a Question SVG Image format

Are you going to add support for placing the scalable graphic format SVG in the image area ? The format is supported and has been widely supported by all major browsers for several years.
10 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 July 2019

Started 05 November 2018 by SCD

Ask a Question Menù formatting

I find the graphic formatting of the menus to be functional but it is not like the sections, there is no menu library (?) I wanted to know if it is possible or it will be possible to have ready-made...
3 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 November 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by info2714

Wishlist Recaptcha for forms

Please add recaptcha for contact forms. This is something that's becoming increasingly important for site owners. (Keep up the good work!)
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Latest By Support Team

14 November 2018

Started 14 November 2018 by kihapdesign2

Ask a Question Post Format

Hi I am linking to a page that was created before nicepage and I assume it uses the Post Template? But when I link to any page created before using nicepage, I get large blank spaces between...
4 Replies
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Latest By john13

27 November 2018

Started 25 November 2018 by john13

Ask a Question Html Form Problem

To run a html form, type the code yourself or provide an internet search. I have tried many php code to run html form and downloaded from internet. Not working. It is very sad to have to purchase the...
4 Replies
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Latest By adrian

05 December 2018

Started 28 November 2018 by tasarimstudio

Ask a Question webp format images?

Hi, I tried to upload an image in WebP format, but the project does not read it. Is it possible or is there an error? Thank you and greetings, Walt
10 Replies
12 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 August 2020

Started 11 December 2018 by wdege

Wishlist Adding 2 different forms to one Nicepage project?

Is there any way to use 2 different forms within one project? And if so, how can I realize that? Thank you for your answer in advance Brita
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Latest By whdmike

16 December 2018

Started 15 December 2018 by brita.seifert

Wishlist Something for the wishlist...

I miss option fields in the form. Maybe an idea for future versions of Nicepage? Greetings from the Netherlands!
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By brita.seifert

20 December 2018

Started 16 December 2018 by brita.seifert

Wishlist Need Ability To Copy Sections And Controls Form Page to Page in WordPress

When working remotely in WordPress having to completely redo similar section, forms slows the workflow when adding content to new pages. NicePage really needs the ability to duplicate pages, sections...
11 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Vitaliy WD

23 November 2019

Started 10 January 2019 by dmarchione

Ask a Question Contact form check out text

Hi there, is it possible to change the checkout text which appears after the send button was pressed and the message was send? Kind regards Stefan
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21 January 2019

Started 21 January 2019 by info15103

Ask a Question feedback

Good day. I have a feedback form in English, Installed Joomla 3.8 it is Russified. Where to change the language of these forms.
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2019

Started 03 February 2019 by Index Globe

Wishlist Expand Forms Capability

Hello, Is there any plans on expanding the forms abilities in the future. Although the contact us is a great form, I would like to see an expanded ability where I can create a data entry screen to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2019

Started 06 February 2019 by kenneth.lang