Ask a Question CAN'T PUBLISH

Why is the article not being published when it seems there is a domain connection error?
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by Natascha

Ask a Question Update 4.4 - web site destroyed

Hi Support, After your latest update, my web site is completely crashed. I tryed to re-install previous version, but got an error when opening in the design program, because my web site already have...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 03 February 2022 by Karsten K

Ask a Question NicePage doesn't display well on my computer

I attach the images of what NicePage looks like on my desktop computer. In the application and in the preview in browsers it looks good, but, the online builder, the support, and the online templates...
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 18 July 2023 by osirismfbas


Best regards Nicepage developers team, I have made several web pages from 1 to 10% with the Nicepage DESKTOP application, and from 11% to 100%, I have finished with the Nicepage WEB PLUGIN...
4 Replies
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Latest By @ITS

18 July 2023

Started 19 December 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question Other questions

1 Paid plans describe site limits, not page limits. So in the paid plans the pages of the sites can be unlimited? 2.- In an article of your blog I read about the function of adding new product, that...
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Latest By Support Team

18 July 2023

Started 18 July 2023 by osirismfbas

Ask a Question second mail in a contact form

Hi, I have a contact form (as the picture) I need to insert a second email and I Would like to insert in C.C. in the php script generated ,. How I can make it this with N.P ? Thank you Cristiano
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 July 2023

Started 17 July 2023 by cristianodona

Ask a Question custom domain error

Why when I use my custom domain <> do I get the error message below even though I have entered the custom domain in the right field +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Domain has...
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Latest By Support Team

18 July 2023

Started 17 July 2023 by mbattersby11112

Wishlist Back to top button link customisation

Team, I just wanted to know if we can customize the back to top button. right now it goes to the first block or the header. but can we change that to go to a different block on the page that the user...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 14 July 2023 by Sam B

Ask a Question ecommerece and blog

I am very interested in buying the Pro plan. But I have vital doubts:1. Can I create my fully functional website, ecommerce and blog only using NicePage without needing WordPress or Joomla? 2. The...
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 17 July 2023 by osirismfbas

Ask a Question Nicepage homepage

I have nicepage plugin and theme and can't find nowhere to change default homepage? In Settings Reading the settings is missing, in the Site Settings under Nice Page there is no homepage setting?...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 30 June 2022 by matej.bozic

Ask a Question Peach Payments

Why arent nicepage working with peach payment, I had to uninstall nicepage inorder for peach payments to work. Can this be fixed? Is there a solution
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 17 July 2023 by shaun61

Report a bug PayPal Subscription button

When adding a html code for a PayPal button for clients to start their subscription with us, the button is visible, but when clicking it the paypal popup immediately closes again. Update: I did a...
2 Replies
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Latest By contact16892

17 July 2023

Started 16 July 2023 by contact16892

Wishlist Ecommerce: Sell license keys

Hi. Apparently you are currently building e-commerce features into Nicepage and I have a request. Currently I am working on a software ( and I want to sell license keys for...
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 14 July 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Pages not importing for wordpress theme.

Pages content not importing properly when uploading to wordpress. I'm on mac, working on the desktop application. Size is 22.7 mb. Hosting provider is Godaddy. Whenever i try to activate the...
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 16 July 2023 by matthewmordecai7

Wishlist Slider additional feature request

I would like to see an option to be able to turn on the thumbnails below the main image in a slider. This would allow viewers to see how many images there are in a slideshow, and allow them to click...
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 17 July 2023 by LenWilliams