Ask a Question download progetto

Buongiorno, ho notato che se creo il sito web direttamente su wordpress non ho la possibilità di scaricare il progetto sono io che non so farlo oppure non si può fare ? ;)
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by andreacavas692

Ask a Question Guys, please don't forget to VOTE!

Hi Guys, Please don't forget to VOTE on things you would like to see. I guess Nicepage works with the Voting system and developers pay attention to this features/issues you would like to be...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 27 August 2020 by MrBuilder

Wishlist Need to transfer web site to the client, how to?

Hello, I've recently bought a premium package that includes 5 hosting web sites to built my clients sites. Now I need to give control of the site to one of them so he could admin himself. Is there a...
4 Replies
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Latest By ariel.pineda3201

20 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by ariel.pineda3201

Wishlist Countdown Timer - Redirect To Page In The Site

Hi It would be helpful if there was an option to re-direct to a page in the site at the re-direct at the end of a countdown. Currently the choices are "do nothing", "show message" or "redirect to a...
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by barryrodgers

Report a bug Error showing from Nicepage in Wordpress

Header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/ in...
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by avegiard

Wishlist Publish Static Website

I now have a second project where a static website, i.e. just html, is sufficient. This also works very well with Nicepage, but when publishing, I would wish that ONLY the changes would be transferred...
7 Replies
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Latest By barryrodgers

20 July 2023

Started 04 June 2023 by heikom36

Ask a Question Can I type % percentage in width and height input ?

Hi, On Box, Header, Page ..., Can I type % percentage in width and height input ? I have tried to do that, but it doesn't work. Thanks.
7 Replies
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Latest By @ITS

20 July 2023

Started 21 April 2022 by syonline

Wishlist GreenSock - The standard for modern web animation

I would like Nicepage to integrate GreenSock to create smoother, more creative animations. The standard for modern web animation. A robust JavaScript toolset that turns...
5 Replies
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Latest By Auguste

20 July 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by Auguste

Ask a Question installation nice page sur autre ordinateur et acces site

Bonjour, J'ai installé nice page sur mon ancien ordinateur car l'actuel par en réparations. Le soucis c'est que je n'arrive pas à reprendre la main sur mon site pour pouvoir faire des modifications....
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by crpa.patinage

Ask a Question blog without wp or anyother. only html

Hi. I'm loving your latest news and developments. Keep the good work. I know nicepage can have html blog pages. I'm trying to make one for my client. I love only html version. It's way faster than...
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by joaopeixoto

Wishlist Simplifying and updating color selection tool palette

Right now the color selection tool palette shows a very limited number of colors with large swatches. There is an eyedropper tool and the ability to input hex color values, however, it would be...
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by LenWilliams

Ask a Question Issue in openning App

The Destktop App, doesn't open in my PC. I worked with that yesterday, But suddenly it stop working. I uninstall the app and install it again, but it doesn't work. I only see a white page that write...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

19 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by kamali.mehran

Ask a Question PAGAR FACTURA

hola buenos días : Necesito hacer mi pago ya que vence el dia de mañana, pero todo esta en ingles y no entiendo en que apartado debo dar clic para poder pagar. Me podria apoyar indicando en que...
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by brendapifarrer

Report a bug How to Edit Blog detail Title and content

Hi, I have created a new page with Joomla Nicepage builder extension. This create a new article in my Joomla 4 website. I add a blog Detail block to this page, but I'm unable to change de text of the...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 17 July 2023 by Geoffroy

Ask a Question Demande d'assistance pour la création d'un formulaire de réservation sur Nicepage

Chers membres de l'assistance Nicepage, J'espère que ce message vous trouve bien. Je suis actuellement propriétaire d'un hôtel et je souhaite apporter des modifications à notre site web. Après mûre...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 19 July 2023 by Hôtel Colbert