Ask a Question website problems

Hello I have a huge problem. I bought a new laptop for using Nicepage in high performers. When I transfer to another device, I didn't made a backup version for my website in my old device, so I...
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2023

Started 14 July 2023 by imabdulrahmanm

Ask a Question domain and IP address

Hello I have problem, there is more than one IP address in one domain and I need to delete the old one to start with a new one, how can I do this?
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Latest By Support Team

16 July 2023

Started 16 July 2023 by imabdulrahmanm

Ask a Question removal of existing website so I can replace it

how can I expedite the removal of a previous version of a website so that I can publish the new version
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 July 2023

Started 15 July 2023 by mbattersby11112

Ask a Question Very simple question, but the premium pricing page does not have this info on it, if the price is yearly or monthly???

I have a very simple question, that should even be obvious, but the premium pricing page does not have this info on it, not that I could see easily. Is the subscription price listed yearly or...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 July 2023

Started 16 July 2023 by Worldpeaceconsulting

Ask a Question video element support

hello I am a video editor wanting to build a website for my work and upload commercial videos to the website. I can't find a slider element to add all my videos and the client can swipe to see the...
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14 July 2023

Started 14 July 2023 by halawanyeditor

Ask a Question free site using

hi there, i was created a site documentation on nicapage desktop, i m using free versiyon then i was exporting a site design my computer, can i use that code on global internet server, hosting...
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Latest By bozo_24_fb

14 July 2023

Started 14 July 2023 by bozo_24_fb

Ask a Question Import export

Hello, I've edited few of the pages in wordpress nicepage editor, but when I try to export them it doesn't work. It doesnt even get highlighted. Same goes for import. Is there any fix for it?
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Latest By ben3383

14 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by ben3383

Ask a Question leads limit

Good evening. Arrived me email that alert me on leads limit at 50%. I have the personal license and the limit is 250. Why this email? Thank you
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14 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by info2732

Ask a Question links

Hello. thanks for everything.I want to know how can I make links between pages?
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14 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by atousa.h95

Ask a Question Exporting to HTML

Hello there, I was wondering if you could help as I'm currently exploring new technologies at the moment for static brochure websites. I'm looking for a system where I can rapidly prototype a static...
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Latest By Support Team

14 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by jimmodell

Ask a Question How to include .js script files ?

I need to run some javascript code on my page (code syntax highlighter). This code is in a couple .js files as well as one .css. Can I include these files in the project as a ressource? Is there a...
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14 July 2023

Started 13 April 2023 by Peter Ritter

Ask a Question Is the hosting only in America or also in Europe?

Im based in Germany and I would like to buy the Premium package. Is there any option to use an European server to optimize loading times?
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14 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by rebbertj

Ask a Question website transfer

I changed my computer and I need to know how can I transfer my website in my old computer to my new computer
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Latest By Support Team

13 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by imabdulrahmanm

Ask a Question Cannot publish 3rd available site

I have 3 site available with my subscritpion and I cannot publish my 3rd site for some reason. Please help
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Latest By Support Team

13 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by wizzo

Ask a Question Can we import current HTML Websites which is developed by dreamviewer

Hi I want to know how we can import the current HTML Website, which is developed by Dreamviewer
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Latest By daveseth358

13 July 2023

Started 13 July 2023 by mobzifi