Ask a Question Alt text not allowed for images in Grids

I teach my Web Design class how critical it is to have ALL accessibility aspects covered for Websites. I like for the students to use grids but those images in grids do not allow images to have alt...
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Latest By michael.laurinc

01 December 2023

Started 03 May 2023 by dlayfie

Ask a Question Possible to make something like this please?

Hello, I am trying to use the desktop application to create a static website which would show six rectangular buttons when viewed on a computer, and the buttons would stack when viewed on a mobile...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by joseph.bishay

Ask a Question Grid repeater with html script

Hi, I need to make a grid repeater with a line that represents a different completion percentage of a task in each block. I'm using the following script: <div class="w3-blue w3-container...
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Latest By Support Team

16 May 2023

Started 15 May 2023 by wordpress1002

Wishlist Missing feature: edit mutiple table cells at once

Hello Nicepage support team Our small team is already using several Nicepage subscriptions because we think Nicepage is a wonderful application, and there will certainly be more subscriptions in the...
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Latest By Support Team

22 May 2023

Started 22 May 2023 by WFmedia

Ask a Question multi-page grid

hello good morning, imagine I have a grid with a lot of news, but I didn't want it on a single page, would it be possible to add the continuation of that same grid automatically to several pages, I...
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Latest By Support Team

19 June 2023

Started 19 June 2023 by carlospinto

Ask a Question problem with they way looks cell phone , pc , tablet etc

when i make page in pc section and next side adding text in cellphone showit text inside the photo . When i am going to other tablet pc after i fix on cellphone in other have change place photo and...
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2023

Started 23 June 2023 by ysar6368

Wishlist Is there a way to get a horizontal scrolling grid?

I'm trying to find a way to get a grid for a features section to become a horizontal scrolling when viewed on mobile. Just like the table element, see the bottom of this page:...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 October 2023

Started 30 September 2023 by AJWEB

Ask a Question Reorder Press Release Section

Is there a way to add a press release section where you can add a grid whereas you can reorder thew content easy;y so that the newest press release is always on top? I know I can easily reorder an...
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Latest By Support Team

03 November 2023

Started 02 November 2023 by Artist Relations

Wishlist NicePage=Virtuemart Product List Page Template is it possible to have a switch Grid or Listrow

Hello, Is it possible to have Buttons to switch for Product List a page with products list by Grid or a page with products list by Row ? as pictures: products list by row products list by...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 05 January 2024 by philippe.t

Ask a Question SEO ALT for images in a grid

I'm using a standard grid, not reapting. When I click a picture, there is no SEO ALT to label the image. Am I missing something, or is there another way?
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Latest By Support Team

19 February 2024

Started 19 February 2024 by jim9552

Ask a Question How to mirror an image in a cell with expanded mode enabled

Hi I was trying to flip an image within a cell. I had to leave the 'expanded mode' to see the options. But after adjustment and switching back to 'expanded mode' the image flipped back to the...
2 Replies
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Latest By spoetnic

26 February 2024

Started 23 February 2024 by spoetnic

Ask a Question How do you count number of blocks and grids

Dear Team, Please let me know how do you count count of blocks and grids. Is it counted when I export the page after final design. Or is it counted as soon as I drag and drop a block. Where can I...
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Latest By Support Team

28 February 2024

Started 28 February 2024 by vihangera

Report a bug Grid photos are for desktop only, any grids added will look terrible on mobile. Absolutely pointless

Ive just spent an entire day adding a services page with grid photo albums to find that the mobile version of the page is inadequate for purpose. The grids are only looking good on web , it is...
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17 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by jayden.harley.elworthy

Ask a Question Removing H1 From Wordpress Grid

How do I remove or hide H1 from showing on Grid WordPress homepage.
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18 May 2024

Started 17 May 2024 by ayodejiwordpress

Wishlist Move an image within a cell

Hi. How to move an image within a cell?
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4 weeks ago

Started 4 weeks ago by mekkitel48