Ask a Question One page website

Can I make a one page website with each section being a page? When you click on the menu name it would go down to the section on/of the page.
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06 October 2021

Started 24 October 2018 by fredcate

Ask a Question How to remove the "Template created with Nicepage" message

In Artisteer, when it was time to export a project, you had the ability to suppress the line about the theme being generated by Artisteer. I assume this is also possible with Nicepage, but it's not...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 October 2018

Started 26 October 2018 by jack.from.canada

Wishlist Height width ratio

To rezise a shape or image you need to change both width and height. If the values are by example 290 height and 204 width you have to calculate how much the width has to change if the height goes to...
8 Replies
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20 October 2021

Started 27 October 2018 by Willem

Ask a Question Javascript

I'm attempting to make one of my pages password protected. I don't know how to do this. Went on Youtube and obtained a javascript code but now how do I get at the html code for that page and where do...
3 Replies
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04 July 2022

Started 28 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question Meta tags

I inserted a number of Meta tags in the space provided in the html setting. Now these meta tags appear on the top of the page. I have attached a .jpg perhaps you could tell me how to remove...
23 Replies
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07 June 2023

Started 30 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question Directory for "My Pictures"

Hi how to create Directories in "My Pictures" (see Attached) ? Regards Mario
9 Replies
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Latest By iRazor

21 January 2023

Started 01 November 2018 by CREAWEB.XYZ (PTY) Ltd

Ask a Question Container Object Stickiness

I have a lot of confusion over when and how objects within a container are attached to sides of a container. In other words, when you add objects to a container, when and how do they become attached...
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02 November 2018

Started 01 November 2018 by dan

Ask a Question Hide empty Joomla positions

Hi there, is it possible to hide positions in the blog/post templates whenever there is no active module within the position ? This would be a feature I would very much appreciate ! And even better:...
11 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 November 2020

Started 03 November 2018 by TKPAW

Ask a Question blog - read more

Hello, On my blog page the "read more" text why appear in twice? In the sample there is only the last one... And how can I change the text from "read more" to "Elolvasom". I couldn't find this...
8 Replies
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01 April 2020

Started 04 November 2018 by angelyrics2

Ask a Question Trying to create dropshadow for text

I create a line of text, then create another line and move it over the first line offset by a couple of pix. Looks great in nicepage but when viewed in firefox the lines have moved apart. What am I...
2 Replies
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08 November 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by bill8

Ask a Question Menù formatting

I find the graphic formatting of the menus to be functional but it is not like the sections, there is no menu library (?) I wanted to know if it is possible or it will be possible to have ready-made...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2018

Started 07 November 2018 by info2714

Ask a Question Widget and text in wordpress

Hi all, I have question about widget and sidebars first. Whitin the theme i add a position from the menu (Click Add-> Position and Shortcode -> Position and Sidebar). I name the sidebar. Export...
9 Replies
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11 December 2019

Started 08 November 2018 by rehman2

Ask a Question SEO?

Hi, since SEO is increasingly important, does Nicepage have an additional HTML header section? Have a nice day Walt
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22 August 2019

Started 08 November 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question Far too little freedom in setting all CSS3 properties

Dear support, I am a business user and I design website for small and medium-sized enterprises and bump ever against too much limitations for setting up CSS3 properties of HTML controls (components...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2019

Started 09 November 2018 by stephane.fonteyne

Wishlist insert table

insert table in section (similar text) Regards Mario
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13 November 2018

Started 10 November 2018 by