Ask a Question Icon / Text info popups

I'm wondering if there is a way to have highlighted text in a table or a question mark icon at the end of text. That will pop-up a little information bubble? I've attached a screenshot of what I'm...
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2021

Started 14 February 2021 by EvanH

Ask a Question It should not be this hard to change fucking color on text

If your programmers were a a shit, they would allow us to select all in the fucking text element and change the color rather than us having to deal one line at a time. Make it easy...MAKE IT...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

14 February 2021

Started 14 February 2021 by administration522

Ask a Question Submenu

Hello out there Its The site again. Its a site in Joomla 1. I want to have the main menu on the right site, but when I hover the sumenu I would...
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19 February 2021

Started 17 February 2021 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question How to create alternative text and tooltip for image in gallery?

How to create alternative text and tolltip for image in gallery?
4 Replies
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19 February 2021

Started 18 February 2021 by Sarkastro

Ask a Question Списки в Rich Text

Подскажите когда добавите Списки в Rich Text? Очень много списков и неудобно их добавлять.
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02 March 2021

Started 23 February 2021 by omnibox.sales

Wishlist The label background

Hello! I think function to use label background color must have in Nicepage. For text, title elements (h1, h2 ...). I want to say that a function is needed to be able to set the background color...
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04 March 2021

Started 02 March 2021 by Vasiliy K.

Ask a Question Can't Change Blog Text

I can't change any text when using Blog blocks. I've used Nicepage very successfully for the past 10 days, but now I'm adding Blog blocks and cannot edit text in the Blog blocks. All other blocks are...
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10 March 2021

Started 06 March 2021 by tech228

Ask a Question Change font color of text in footer

How can i change the color of the text in the footer that i have placed here. im aware of the theme colors but my footer is in a gradient, and it is automatically switching to light mode text color...
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09 March 2021

Started 07 March 2021 by imhuurdz

Ask a Question pinning an image and scrolling text over it

how can I pin an image and have the text scroll over it?
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10 March 2021

Started 09 March 2021 by j.teerds

Wishlist Align text in submenus

Presently there is no option to align the submenu text. Submenu text is always centered. I would like to have an option that will allow the web designer to select the alignment of submenu text ( left,...
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2021

Started 09 March 2021 by patrick.rodrigues

Ask a Question Change logo from Header Over Block and Sticky on scroll

Hello Nicepage! I wold like to know if there is a way to have the top menu with a color background and white logo to the sticky menu to be a white background and color logo. Also the icon on the menu...
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15 March 2021

Started 13 March 2021 by JayCeeLo

Ask a Question Edit Price text

I can`t edit price an title text in product details and list. Either can't add product variations, I follow step by step from this link. Nothing it...
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17 March 2021

Started 15 March 2021 by delpacificoideas

Ask a Question Choosing another logo when responsive

Hi, How can I change logo when in responsive mode ? The idea is to replace logo by icon when user navigates in the website in tablet or smartphone. Thx by advance
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2021

Started 15 March 2021 by contact4862

Ask a Question Align text in button

Hello out there, is there a possibility to align the text inside the button left or right. At the moment the text inside the button is always centered. Thank you in advance for your answer Stay safe...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 March 2021

Started 16 March 2021 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question Changing Text from the Post-Button not work

The post button also shows me the headline text. How can I change this?
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26 September 2022

Started 18 March 2021 by UHermann2