Ask a Question Insert the countdown timer as a specific functionality with box to drag

Hi, I recently met your product and I love it. I would like to upgrade to a professional license but I have noticed that a very important feature is not implemented. I deal with wedding websites and...
2 Replies
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Latest By sander43

01 September 2021

Started 01 September 2021 by ninocortese

Ask a Question FILE SENDING VIA FORM - pls. fix this!!!

This issue has been asked a lot - but still no resolution: SENDING FILES VIA FORM (HTML site) Many of your users don't like to use WordPress/Joomla and don't like to use any third-parties...
6 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By sb282

07 September 2021

Started 02 September 2021 by sb282

Ask a Question Add custom font

How to add a custom font?
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By info49442

16 September 2021

Started 03 September 2021 by info49442

Report a bug Missing .css files and duplicate classnames

When exporting an individual webpage, the zip file is missing the .css file. Our only option to recover this file is to export the entire website (which we don't want to do as we are updating our site...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 October 2021

Started 16 September 2021 by POWERCL

Wishlist Joomla Extention

Our wish: Export NP Project from website (Joomla Extention - White Label) to be able to edit and store on destop Thanks for your hard work Mario
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Latest By Support Team

17 September 2021

Started 17 September 2021 by

Ask a Question How long you are taking to develop new features

I want to know how long you are taking to develop new features using your wish list thank you SARANTOPOULOS NIKOS
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 September 2021

Started 17 September 2021 by nsarantopoulos68

Report a bug can't buy software by credit card.. 3 credit card we try it but not work

can't buy software by credit card.. 3 credit card we try it but not work . even by PayPal ask credit card... we have in balances but not take .. we are in India/.. city bank credit card not accept...
9 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 December 2023

Started 20 September 2021 by ruturaj31

Ask a Question regarding the slide size of the image

it seems that the problem with image elements on a image is solved i will contact you if this problem appears again giving you the project and a video thank you sarantopoulos nikos
4 Replies
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Latest By nsarantopoulos68

22 September 2021

Started 21 September 2021 by nsarantopoulos68

6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 September 2021

Started 22 September 2021 by instantinlaw

Ask a Question Nicepage Template Unviability for Full Site in Same Design Consistency

Hello, I see you have lots of "Ready to Use" Homepage Templates, that's really great. Every site needs a Minimum of 3-5 pages like Home, Service, Blog, About, Contact, but you only Homepage Template,...
6 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By markzuke

13 February 2022

Started 23 September 2021 by K H R

Ask a Question Issue with video display online

I have three pages on my new website: When I check the pages through preview or through Chrome only local C drive the videos display. Once I upload to the host only one...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 October 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by letterboxmusic

Ask a Question Problems with the SEO setting "Title"

I would like to create an alternative title for each of my pages, which will later be displayed in the Google search. To do this, I entered a corresponding page title under Title (SEO and Head / Page...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 October 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by ralf.roppelt

Ask a Question PHP Code Block at the Beginning of a Page

Hello, is there a way to insert a PHP block at the beginning of a page - i.e. before <! DOCTYPE html>? Thank you very much for your support ... AND: Congratulations on your great tool - I'm...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by seosem

Report a bug FEEDBACK

Olá. A ideia de criação de vocês é muito boa, no entanto (pelo menos a versão gratuita) o sistema possui DIVERSOS BUGS!!!!!! Eu criei o SITE TODO, em todas as telas e ele diz que salvou. Quando eu vou...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

01 October 2021

Started 30 September 2021 by williamengcomp

Ask a Question Video Maker

Hi How are you, i would like to know if we can when doing a video have clickable area whithin the video where if i type in some link or text by clicking on it it will open or redirect.. tks
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 October 2021

Started 04 October 2021 by sets4life