Ask a Question product descriptions

i want to add longer descriptions to my product but it seems to be limited. I need to be able to add my already exsisting copy. please help asap
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2023

Started 07 November 2023 by LVTC Marketing

Ask a Question Appears upgrade release wiped out all my old sites. I can only create a new site from scratch. This is a disaster if I can't access the sites I have already created.

How can I recover? Was this intentional on your part or a bad bug? Or am I just confused. The folder doesn't seem to exist any longer. Thank you Bill
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 January 2024

Started 07 November 2023 by bill8

Ask a Question How to add other people to work with

Hello Guys! I bought the Business Plan and it would say that i can give clients or editors special logins through Content Editors but I cannot find this option. Could you help?
4 Replies
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Latest By LWT Schelle

10 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by indexonaweb

Ask a Question License

Hi i Have questions about license. This is license for software? Template is for free and we can use and edit template for commercial use?
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09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by daniel.zawilinski

Wishlist Submit Form as WhatsApp Message

submit Form as WhatsApp Message Lets use WhatsApp to Receive Form response as WhatsApp Messag get the form response as WhatsApp Message due to which you can access the response data very quickly...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by navin.patel.11042020

Ask a Question Wordpress showing old version of theme

Hi Dear Nice Page Team In Wordpress following error message is coming with red flag; "The active theme has a version lower than the plugin version. Please update the theme too." While the current...
3 Replies
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16 November 2023

Started 10 November 2023 by Bropestcontrol

Ask a Question Joomla 5

Will NP templates exported to Joomla4 work with Joomla 5?
11 Replies
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13 June 2024

Started 10 November 2023 by mitch57132

Ask a Question Business plan

Hello, I would like to know what this plan "business plan" includes, does it mean I will be able to host 3 web sites with some kind of hosting plan included? Can I admin my domain names with you and...
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12 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by estevezrams

Ask a Question Nicepage et Joomla 5

Bonjour, est ce que Nicepage et Joomla 5 sont compatible ?
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14 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by lrt.alexandre

Report a bug gallery / thumbnail issues

updated to most recent release 2023-11-12 and issue appears to have been fixed I have installed three small galleries with thumbnails installed in sequence across a page laterally. Center gallery...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 12 November 2023 by btoole

Ask a Question Blog post metadata open graph

We really need the ability to add metadata to the blog posts. A business trying to build an online presence looks pretty lame when all their social shares have the same image over and over on Facebook...
7 Replies
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14 June 2024

Started 12 November 2023 by clm73

Ask a Question geen inlog

hi, when I start nice page on mij MacBook, I only get a white page with te logo of nave-age, but I cannot login. I already removed everything, but that has no effect. only I can login, but my site is...
2 Replies
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13 November 2023

Started 12 November 2023 by info11517

Ask a Question How to remove html tag end of my website, I have a premium licences still not able to do it

How to remove html tag end of my website, I have a premium licences still not able to do it
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20 March 2024

Started 13 November 2023 by care216

Ask a Question Force browser to open in 'desktop' mode

Hi, as I have trouble in getting the mobile pages working good, I would refrain from them and only use the desktop lay-out. If the client goes into desktop mode, all is fine. However most of them...
3 Replies
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24 January 2024

Started 13 November 2023 by thomas1375

Ask a Question SEO Capabilities

I'm extremely frustrated. First I find out that I can't og:image my blog posts. Now, I just discovered I also can't sitemap, robot.txt, or Apple touch icon either. You should probably stop advertising...
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14 November 2023

Started 13 November 2023 by clm73