Ask a Question menu

I there a way to make the menu go into columns if the menu is large enough? So instead of having a large menu fill up the entire screen with one column can we make it go into 2 or 3 columns? Using...
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2020

Started 03 March 2020 by ifawcett

Ask a Question menu dropdown list colour

hi I'm enjoying nicepage and still learning what you can do if you look at, select the menu and you will see a drop down list to navigate you to different blocks containing...
2 Replies
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Latest By george2

06 March 2020

Started 05 March 2020 by george2

Ask a Question Menu Items

Cannot add menu items to Header......... Tried several ways. Is this a bug
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2023

Started 10 March 2020 by bazpascoe2

Ask a Question Menu in Joomla

You have been very helpful and I thank you. I have started with a fresh Joomla install, added the Nicepage extension and have created a page, with header and footer. I also created a menu for the...
16 Replies
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

25 March 2020

Started 19 March 2020 by Romuba

Report a bug apple smartphone issue

Hi out there I received a message, that with menu on apple smartphone is something wrong. I Attached a picture of this It seems like the menu is hidden behind the pictures. I dont kow what to do, is...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 April 2020

Started 20 March 2020 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question Access Nicepage menus in Joomla, to set up Category Blog pages and ACL restrictions?

Hi, I have just downloaded Nicepage. Really impressed with the functionality for design, but I cannot seem to access the Nicepage menu items, so that I can assign category blog pages to a menu item,...
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

30 March 2020

Started 30 March 2020 by gowers

Ask a Question Accented letters in the menu

Hi! I have a problem using accented letters in the menus. The program, on the other hand, exports an accented file Áéáái.html, but I would need a file aeaai.html. How can I handle this well? The help...
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Latest By Support Team

06 April 2020

Started 04 April 2020 by chesswizardextra2

Ask a Question No Menu import

In the template style I do not have the option to click (import from Nicepage) as shown in the Menue video from you. What is wrong? I imported the template and the whole project
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Latest By Support Team

06 April 2020

Started 04 April 2020 by El Presidente


C'è la possibilità di cambiare l'icona dell'hamburgher menù con una immagine creata da me? Se si che formato deve avere? Perchè quando provo ad importare tale immagine, resta in caricamento infinito...
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Latest By Support Team

17 April 2020

Started 17 April 2020 by erib

Ask a Question Cannot link to home page block anchor from another pages menu

HI, I cannot link to a home page block from different pages (pages 2 onwards) using block anchor in my header menu. I have tried the following syntax options in the menu link, but none have worked....
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2020

Started 26 April 2020 by janinesart2

Wishlist Menu functions

Please add more features for menu such as animations, layouts, ability to edit hamburger panel and more.
2 Replies
4 Votes


27 April 2020

Started 27 April 2020 by muatazjabri.mj2

Wishlist Font mobile menu button

Hey, can you add options for a mobile menu description?
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Latest By FOXIK

03 May 2020

Started 03 May 2020 by FOXIK

Ask a Question How to edit menu on mobile?

Hello, how do i edit menu on mobile? When i click on hamburger menu and links slide from left, is there a way to edit it? Like change fonts, colors etc.. use animations..?? This is what im talking...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 December 2020

Started 05 May 2020 by begic.ismar96

Ask a Question sub menu

How can I add a menu to my pages (different from header menu). Do I need an extension? How do I install it ?
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2020

Started 07 May 2020 by rikhe

Ask a Question Display a menu item with text in a different colour

Hi My customer wants to have a certain menu item to be displayed in a different colour to the rest, not just on hover. Please see the image example attached. Is this possible? If not can it be...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 June 2020

Started 24 May 2020 by Tony