menu dropdown list colour

57 Posts
george2 posted this 05 March 2020
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I'm enjoying nicepage and still learning what you can do
if you look at, select the menu and you will see a drop down list
to navigate you to different blocks containing youtube videos we created

the dropdown list displays the subitems white on black background...
is there any way i can change this from black to the blue i use everywhere else
pure blue #0000ff



hi I'm enjoying nicepage and still learning what you can do if you look at, select the menu and you will see a drop down list to navigate you to different blocks containing youtube videos we created the dropdown list displays the subitems white on black background... is there any way i can change this from black to the blue i use everywhere else pure blue #0000ff thanks george
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2 Replies
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6 Posts
joni2 posted this 05 March 2020

I figured this out when I too wanted the color to be the same as I used everywhere and on the menu. You can change the color by activating the menu with your cursor. It will open the menu on the right side of the page. You will see the options of Colors & Fonts, Spacing, Submenu, Hamburger Button and Hamburger Panel. Click the "Submenu" arrow.

That will open new options of which you will see you can change the color of the submenu. The current color will be called "default." Click that box and choose which color you prefer to use. You can also change the space between the drop down list by changing the vertical number for more spacing in between options.The horizontal option tells it how much to indent the line.

Hope that helps.

George, I figured this out when I too wanted the color to be the same as I used everywhere and on the menu. You can change the color by activating the menu with your cursor. It will open the menu on the right side of the page. You will see the options of Colors & Fonts, Spacing, Submenu, Hamburger Button and Hamburger Panel. Click the "Submenu" arrow. That will open new options of which you will see you can change the color of the submenu. The current color will be called "default." Click that box and choose which color you prefer to use. You can also change the space between the drop down list by changing the vertical number for more spacing in between options.The horizontal option tells it how much to indent the line. Hope that helps.
57 Posts
george2 posted this 06 March 2020


thanks SO much … greatly appreciated

I experimented a little more … and found the setting …. really really excellent brilliant

thanks again


Joni thanks SO much … greatly appreciated I experimented a little more … and found the setting …. really really excellent brilliant thanks again george
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