Ask a Question different menus for different pages

Hi. Is there a way to set different menus for different pages? I am trying to make a language dropdown on the menu so they can choose English or Japanese and for the Japanese page I want to make the...
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Latest By Support Team

02 October 2020

Started 02 October 2020 by Asaeejp

Ask a Question Come inserire una pagina completa di parallasse con menu ad un sito esistente di wordpress.

Buongiorno, ho installato il plugin nicepage su wordpress e ho creato un pagina con parallasse completa di menu. Ho visto che wordpress consente di attivare due modalità: gli ultimi articoli o una...
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Latest By Support Team

13 October 2020

Started 12 October 2020 by pieronuciari

Ask a Question Menu to point to anchor point in a diferent page

Hello all. I am creating a 3-page site, and some of the items in my Menu are linked to an anchor point on the first page. But they don't work when I am on the second or third page. On my menu config...
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Latest By Support Team

19 October 2020

Started 18 October 2020 by Deon Studios

Ask a Question Menu display

Hi, I have 2 questions : 1/ First I would like to configurate a mail senting for a newsletter inscription but settings don't save. I don't know why ? (please see attachment : capture 1) 2/ Second I...
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Latest By Support Team

20 October 2020

Started 20 October 2020 by mgrosclaude

Ask a Question website menu does not appear on wordpress

after uploading my website on wordpress, the website menu does not appear Do I have to re-create it on wordpress?
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2020

Started 21 October 2020 by olivier N

Report a bug Recognized issues when browsing well looking Joomla! site on current Firefox.

Hello Nicepage team, I and my client got contacted by his visitor, who reported to him, that using FireFox web browser in its current version (v. 82), display's the web differently. E.g. there is menu...
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Latest By michal84

22 October 2020

Started 21 October 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question Menus

when i change a menu default or active color it changes that color on all my pages. I have some pages that are dark and I am needing a white hamburger and home page menu and some white pages where I...
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Latest By Support Team

27 October 2020

Started 25 October 2020 by rikd

Ask a Question Multiple Menus for WordPress

Dear Friends, how can I create two separate menus in the header, so that I have their positions available in WordPress to build my menus? When I add two menus, they contain the exact same content once...
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Latest By Support Team

20 October 2022

Started 26 October 2020 by roland.p.weibel

Ask a Question Two different menus in Header - Multi-Language websites

Hi, I need to build my WP website in other language and I can see that many people on nicepage are asking for the same. Reading the following ticket I found a solution but the menu doesn't as I...
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Latest By Support Team

02 November 2020

Started 27 October 2020 by Dayis

Ask a Question DRINGEND !!! 2 Menus

Hallo! Ich habe mit Nicepage eine Internetseite erstellt, die zunächst für mobile Endgeräte richtig dargestellt wird. Damit die Internetseite auch auf Desktop-Geräten richtig dargestellt wird, musste...
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Latest By mail4582

03 November 2020

Started 03 November 2020 by mail4582

Ask a Question URGENT!!! 2 Menus (ENGLISH)

Hello! With Nicepage I have done a website that is correct for mobile devices. So that the website is also set up correctly on desktop devices, I can duplicate all the associated pages and make them...
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Latest By Support Team

15 February 2024

Started 03 November 2020 by mail4582

Ask a Question Menu with link to section on another page (article)

Hi, I have a problem with creating a menu option that will direct to another article to a specified section. On the main page, I have 5 sections. I would like to create a menu with an option directing...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 July 2021

Started 04 November 2020 by office82

Ask a Question linking "contact" menu with text block

Hi there this is my website.. Im tryining to link my "contact" menu button with the "contact" block on the home page. 1) I added "block" foir the menu link...
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Latest By oli261

09 November 2020

Started 06 November 2020 by oli261

Ask a Question Sub-Menu pointing to block cannot be reached directly from another main menu option

I have created a menu system having several main pages, some with sub-menu options. Those sub-menus which direct to individual pages work well, even when linked to from other menu pages. However, when...
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Latest By Support Team

02 February 2021

Started 07 November 2020 by chris693

Ask a Question Menu not displayed after export

My site on the app works great, but after importing on joomla, everything seems ok except for the menu which is not displayed at all. How can I fix this mess?
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11 November 2020

Started 08 November 2020 by