Ask a Question error saving page after update to 2.6.2

After upgrading tot Newpage 2.6.2 I get an error while saving my changes on a page: # I started a new setup, but I found out the error didn't exist anymore. Probably a cache issue? The massage can...
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04 November 2020

Started 09 February 2020 by Wouter

Ask a Question Hello

What does it mean, " available only in Desktop mode. Does it mean i can only use it in computer app on paid subscription? Cause i have wordpress plugin and PC app. Also when i wanna order Personal...
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Latest By Support Team

11 February 2020

Started 10 February 2020 by budgetgamer3

Ask a Question Responsive pages and logo size

Can different logo images be used for different responsive design sizes? The log I am using for desktop view is to large for phone view
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2020

Started 13 February 2020 by fred_wehnert2

Ask a Question Responsive problem

Hello, I have few problem with the mobile view: 1) in some iPhone (SE and 5) there is a sidebar empty, you can see in the attach img 2) there are some title that I center vertically in a box in the...
20 Replies
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Latest By AJWEB

09 May 2024

Started 14 February 2020 by trazdum

Ask a Question Nicepage Blog Template for Wordpress

Hi! I have a fresh install of Wordpress Multisite (v5.3.2) and I'm trying to import a Nicepage Blog Template. I followed the instructions from here:...
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18 February 2020

Started 14 February 2020 by caio

Ask a Question Problem with parallax background on real smartphone (Android).

I'm developing on a Windows Laptop and I used parallax effect for the backgrpound of a section of my website. On computer it dorks perfectly, also on Google Chrome with smartphone mode on (parallax...
6 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 July 2020

Started 16 February 2020 by weblinker

Wishlist Breakpoint mobile 320 px

Please consider creating a breakpoint 320 px for mobile devices. There's still many devices using that resolution.
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06 October 2022

Started 18 February 2020 by r.kowalczyk.rex

Ask a Question Submenu, Drop Down menù & Megadrop: styles and options?

Hi, I can't find Drop Down Menu styles and models can you help me? Thank you, Paco
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10 March 2020

Started 20 February 2020 by calicantus

Ask a Question why does my paypal button get wrongly positioned

hi Weird... see on my phone firefox positions the button exactly where i placed it on the mobile design just below the first para in a text box as html control on chrome on my...
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27 February 2020

Started 23 February 2020 by george2

Ask a Question Parallax iOS

Any possible way I can enable parallax scrolling on iOS with nicepage? Many sites work perfect and have parallax scrolling on iPhone.
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14 April 2024

Started 26 February 2020 by DillFrescott

Ask a Question hamburger menu

The hamburger menu with submenu is not working properly. When you click the main page, the submenu opens and only the submenu items are able to open, not the main page. this is very frustrating, any...
12 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 June 2022

Started 27 February 2020 by tom7

Ask a Question Things that Media Uploader and Catalog should have!

Hello Nicepage Team. Wish you a good day. This post is related to things that I believe the Media files uploder and Media Catalog should have for user better orientation while using it: 1. Upload...
6 Replies
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06 March 2020

Started 29 February 2020 by LGALLP

Wishlist Let´s get the work with Nicepage quicker and easier!

Dear Nicepage Team, I have a few points that could make working with Nicepage much easier and faster. Currently it still takes far too long to create a website with Nicepage. Point 1: Even after...
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02 March 2020

Started 01 March 2020 by kontakt27

Wishlist Nicepage 2.8: March 4, 2020 - Form Submit with PHP Script. Cookie Usage Popup

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new update of Nicepage 2.8. What's new in this update? Form: Submit with PHP Script Form: Submit Options Form: Button Alignment Form:...
16 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By do1967a

01 October 2020

Started 04 March 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Configure different "Header Over Block" and "Stick on Scroll" on mobile and desktop.

Hi there, is it possible to configure the "Header Over Block" and "Stick on Scroll" functions only on the Desktop version of header? At this moment, when I change this feature in one resolution, it...
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2020

Started 04 March 2020 by alecrim.bruno