Ask a Question form doesnt work for me no way in WP

Hello guys, I am trying to run my form on page but it doesnt work any way. 1. using Contact form 7 is not ok 2. Send email with PHP script is also not working 3. URL is resultless 4. Mailchimp is not...
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Latest By Support Team

26 March 2021

Started 21 March 2021 by webklub

Ask a Question Advanced Search form

Hi, I am Javid from Baku, Azerbaijan, Glad to sign up to your platform. Question: I'd like create advanced search form (search text inputs and dropdown).or another name search box with dropdown. Let...
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Latest By Support Team

02 April 2021

Started 31 March 2021 by javid.roshen

Ask a Question Form Borders stays black and doted on hover

I have added a form and changed the colors of the borders, but when i upload it, only the textarea gets setted in right color. I have added as attachment the nicepage project. Here a...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2021

Started 14 April 2021 by kkip3

Ask a Question Form - changing language

Is there any way to change the language of the messages of error that appear in a form, e.g. if there´s no input for a mandatory fill there´s a message of "please fill out this field"?
2 Replies
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Latest By inarax71

04 May 2021

Started 02 May 2021 by inarax71

Ask a Question Form

Hello, I am missing an option to add an attachement selection button into form. Will be appreciated upgrade. If I add attachment button manually in wordpress to Form7 plugin, it will not update the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2021

Started 17 May 2021 by malinova

Ask a Question Creating a form

Hi i am having a lot of trouble for creating a form with: Name, Phone, Email, Subject and message. I have tried by URL and by PHP script but nothing works. The email need validation with username,...
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Latest By Support Team

19 May 2021

Started 19 May 2021 by matheus.staffaeur

Ask a Question Formatting issue

Hey guys, Having an issue with formatting at the moment, I've configured the layouts and all looks good on the five different displays I have access to edit (desktop, laptop, tablet, landscape phone,...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 May 2021

Started 20 May 2021 by zacisme68

Ask a Question Custom PHP Forms in Wordpress?

This is not really a Nicepage question, rather a Wordpress questions for any other Wordpress developers who might be out there. I’m currently using WordPress with the Nicepage page builder. I’m...
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2021

Started 02 June 2021 by shane53

Ask a Question Formulário de contato

Ola. Criei uma pagina usando o NicePage, e gostaria de saber como faço para configurar e deixar funcionando o Formulário de contato no meu Web Site. Obrigado.
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 June 2021

Started 09 June 2021 by Paradise

Report a bug Submit a contact form

You don't explain how use URL or use PHP script to submit a contact form in your documentation. The explanation are very short and if you don't know coding you are not able to use contact form in your...
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2021

Started 23 June 2021 by poliquin.jeanfrancois

Ask a Question Wordpress Form - Address Auto-Complete

Hi there, Is there any way for me to integrate an "autocomplete" address field into my form, using Wordpress, Contact Forms 7, and Nicepage? I'm hoping to use this type of plugin, but I want to make...
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Latest By Support Team

24 June 2021

Started 24 June 2021 by hiltonmw

Ask a Question Download file after form submission

Hi Team, I just wanted to know if there is a way where when the user submits a form we get the form submission and the user can download a pdf file. So basically visit the site fill the form click...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2021

Started 27 June 2021 by Sam B

Ask a Question Forms

Hi First of all I want to congratulate you for the excellent work in this latest version, faster and without bugs. Now I ask for your support as the contact forms are not working. I send two images...
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Latest By Support Team

29 June 2021

Started 29 June 2021 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question Form adding ReCaptcha / Joomla

Hello, I have at this site a form and want to add ReCaptcha. ReCatcha Joomla-Plugin is active; I also added the code in NP-site-settings. But no ReCaptcha field appears? Thanks for help!
9 Replies
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Latest By fschuermann

09 July 2021

Started 08 July 2021 by fschuermann

Ask a Question Simply submit a form

Hello I'm new to NicePage, I was just looking for a graphical HTML editor : I'm php user for years and i always thought that html and css are bullshits. My question is very simple : how do i get the...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

09 December 2021

Started 19 August 2021 by lmalley