Formulário de contato

1 Posts
Paradise posted this 09 June 2021
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Ola. Criei uma pagina usando o NicePage, e gostaria de saber como faço para configurar e deixar funcionando o Formulário de contato no meu Web Site. Obrigado.

Ola. Criei uma pagina usando o NicePage, e gostaria de saber como faço para configurar e deixar funcionando o Formulário de contato no meu Web Site. Obrigado.
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MerlinAZ posted this 09 June 2021
Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 June 2021

Hello Marciano,

Thank you for your interest in Nicepage.
Refer to this article about Contact form building -
There are some differences with each way of form submit function as well as where are you using it, Desktop Application or Nicepage Online editor.
Please tell what kind of submit function do you prefer and what application are you using?
Anna T.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Marciano, Thank you for your interest in Nicepage. Refer to this article about Contact form building - There are some differences with each way of form submit function as well as where are you using it, Desktop Application or Nicepage Online editor. Please tell what kind of submit function do you prefer and what application are you using? ................................................... Sincerely, Anna T. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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