Ask a Question new page / multilanguage website

Hi, is it possible to use an already existing page as template for a new page or to just copy a page into a new one? Is there a possibility to create a multilanguage website (German/English) and - if...
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 18 October 2019 by pnoindl

Ask a Question pdf files

how do I load pdf files and public them on my web pages ?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

13 November 2023

Started 13 November 2023 by gokhan139

Ask a Question Support Joomla 5

When will Nicepage support Joomla 5? Whe I try to install I'm getting a Internal Server Error. Other component with Joomla 4 Support are working fine. Stefan Riva
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Latest By MerlinAZ

13 November 2023

Started 13 November 2023 by stefan.riva

Ask a Question Blog for wordpress

Hello, I have a customers who want a full website with blog, but need to do the blog after delivery. My question is : Can he create blog after I put the nice page theme on his wordpress domain ?...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by Tom BRUNEL

Ask a Question Not able to upload Favicon

I am not able to upload favicon to website, kindly help please
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 13 November 2023 by care216

Ask a Question Custom Button

Hi NP, Is there any difference from creating a custom button with the box element and using the actual button element? I'm asking cause with the button element, the styling is somewhat limited, for...
3 Replies
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Latest By onyineo72

13 November 2023

Started 13 November 2023 by onyineo72

Report a bug gallery / thumbnail issues

updated to most recent release 2023-11-12 and issue appears to have been fixed I have installed three small galleries with thumbnails installed in sequence across a page laterally. Center gallery...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 12 November 2023 by btoole

Report a bug impossibile inviare mail

impossibile inviare mail dal vostro programma. abbiamo fatto il sito nuovo, abbiamo provato ad impostare la mail sia da url, che con contact form, che con php e mail chimp. NON INVIA IN NESSUN MODO...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 07 April 2022 by samuel_giusto

Wishlist Question

L.S. As last page of my new site I want to build a page for readers to write a reaction or feedback and that is published on the page. How can I build that? Kind greetings, E. Bijlsma
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 13 November 2023 by eef

Ask a Question geen inlog

hi, when I start nice page on mij MacBook, I only get a white page with te logo of nave-age, but I cannot login. I already removed everything, but that has no effect. only I can login, but my site is...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 12 November 2023 by info11517

Ask a Question google tables

Hi, please clarify, do you have integration with google tables to save contact details? Among the templates can I choose the form of data collection? Regards Sergey Ermilov
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Latest By galt7495

11 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by galt7495

Ask a Question probleme modification

quand je modifie une page toutes les pages sont aussi modifié, je veux desactiver ce parametre mais je ne trouve pas
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2023

Started 12 November 2023 by bastlusso

Ask a Question Themeler Email and Discount

Cant get the discount to work with my active Themler email
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By clayton522

12 November 2023

Started 27 July 2017 by jamesgross

Ask a Question Photo gallery - pop-up photos

Hi, Is it possible to achieve the following effect in nicepage: there is a page with photos, when you press one photo, a window with the remaining photos pops up. It is important to me not to create...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 November 2023

Started 10 November 2023 by raffe

Ask a Question Business plan

Hello, I would like to know what this plan "business plan" includes, does it mean I will be able to host 3 web sites with some kind of hosting plan included? Can I admin my domain names with you and...
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Latest By Support Team

12 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by estevezrams