Wishlist Submit Form as WhatsApp Message

submit Form as WhatsApp Message Lets use WhatsApp to Receive Form response as WhatsApp Messag get the form response as WhatsApp Message due to which you can access the response data very quickly...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by navin.patel.11042020

Ask a Question License

Hi i Have questions about license. This is license for software? Template is for free and we can use and edit template for commercial use?
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by daniel.zawilinski

Ask a Question wp theme - why does the wp admin user has to login to nicepage to edit pages/content

helo i have created a website in nicepage desktop app and exported as WP theme and imported the them in WP and everything looks and works fine. but why does it ask to login to nicepage when i tried...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by WPI

Ask a Question Need the option of displaying prices in cents with a zero at the end. E.g. € 17.50.

In order to run a shop in Europe, we absolutely need the option of displaying prices in cents with a zero at the end. E.g. € 17.50. So not only € 17.5. The function "Add zero cents" does not work with...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by hjh.mobil

Wishlist Accordeon title: how to use image instead of text

I do have an accordeon with several sections. On the last one, instead of text, I would like to use an image. See screenshot attached.
8 Replies
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Latest By tock2tock

09 November 2023

Started 03 November 2023 by tock2tock

Ask a Question IMAGES

Bonjour... j'aimerais savoir comment empêcher le téléchargement et l'enregistement d'images qui apparaissent dans un site web Merci
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 06 November 2023 by ginette.bouchard

Wishlist Modal Popup

Good morning, I created a modal popup but I can't figure out how to make it show on my site when accessing the homepage. I saw the options: On click button On timer On Page exit But none of these...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2023

Started 06 November 2023 by mike8652

Ask a Question multilanguage blog post

Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to have a multilingual blog. Is it possible to create a multilingual blog post in nicepage? Thank you for your reply and your support.
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09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by slamkadevelopers

Ask a Question A FREE TRAIL

Hello. Nicepage Before renew can i have a free trail for two weeks please. Best Regards Abraham Azie
11 Replies
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Latest By bangdooblejumping88

09 November 2023

Started 06 November 2023 by abramsdj

Ask a Question demo - permission

want to know if website can be accessed only as per assigned user or not? how can we display data as per custom HTML and API call.
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09 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by prashantroy1979

Ask a Question Black Firday 2023

Hi Will it be this year? If so, when? Regards
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08 November 2023

Started 08 November 2023 by tomeek884

Ask a Question Edit Frontend

Im Frontend sind nur Bearbeitungsbutton für Menü und Module vorhanden. Aber für Beitrag / Post finde ich keine Einstellung für den Button "Bearbeiten/Edit" im Frontend. In the frontend, there are...
3 Replies
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08 November 2023

Started 07 November 2023 by c.gemmel2

Ask a Question Moving background picture?

Is it possible in Nicepage to use a moving background like on this site? https://www.dursun-limousine.ch/en/ would be very cool.
5 Replies
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08 November 2023

Started 05 November 2023 by 100sabout

Ask a Question PDF preview

Hello again... :) Is it possible to embed a PDF preview page like the one at this link: https://hsl.cz/ke-stazeni/ or something like that, so that the PDF can be viewed directly from the site without...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 November 2023

Started 07 November 2023 by lentilka


COMPLAINT AND CLAIM: NICEPAGE DEVELOPERS DO NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT AND TROUBLESHOOTING. Cordial greetings, 3 weeks and 4 days ago, I have asked the developers to provide support for an incident in the...
5 Replies
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Latest By etorres

07 November 2023

Started 07 November 2023 by etorres