Pre order question

17 Posts
25392510 posted this 08 December 2021
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Dear nicepage support team.

I played araound with the free version to see if I like the workflow on it. All fine for the moment.

Now I understand, that for product listing and shopping cart I need to have at least the 59USD premium option. Fair enough.

My question now is quite essential.

Lets presume I buy the Premium option and build my web site ready to export to HTML.

First I want to spread out single products I sell all over the page, not in a classic way as a product list. Can I place singe products wherever I want?

Second, when I sell a product I need a payment gateway to fullfill the moneyflow from my customer to my bank. I want to use Stripe as payment gateway. How can I integrate on my ready made web site Stripe?

In advance thank you for your time.

With kind regards


Dear nicepage support team. I played araound with the free version to see if I like the workflow on it. All fine for the moment. Now I understand, that for product listing and shopping cart I need to have at least the 59USD premium option. Fair enough. My question now is quite essential. Lets presume I buy the Premium option and build my web site ready to export to HTML. First I want to spread out single products I sell all over the page, not in a classic way as a product list. Can I place singe products wherever I want? Second, when I sell a product I need a payment gateway to fullfill the moneyflow from my customer to my bank. I want to use Stripe as payment gateway. How can I integrate on my ready made web site Stripe? In advance thank you for your time. With kind regards Alex
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 December 2021

Hello Alex,
Thank you for your interest in Nicepage!

To build & export pages with WooCommerce and VirtueMart Product List and Product Details elements and eCommerce templates, a Pro license is needed.

You can set the Product List element to 1 column, then choose the product filter that is most fitting for you, to display one product at a time:


Second, when I sell a product I need a payment gateway to fullfill the moneyflow from my customer to my bank. I want to use Stripe as payment gateway. How can I integrate on my ready made web site Stripe?

If you intend to use a CMS (Joomla or WordPress), then you can search for a plugin that allows your customers to pay with Stripe or any other payment gateway. If you don't want to use a CMS, you need to search for Stripe's API and paste it in the HTML element in Nicepage (click on the Element menu >> scroll down >> click HTML).

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Alex, Thank you for your interest in Nicepage! To build & export pages with WooCommerce and VirtueMart Product List and Product Details elements and eCommerce templates, a Pro license is needed. You can set the Product List element to 1 column, then choose the product filter that is most fitting for you, to display one product at a time: !Screenshot-2.png! > Second, when I sell a product I need a payment gateway to fullfill the moneyflow from my customer to my bank. I want to use Stripe as payment gateway. How can I integrate on my ready made web site Stripe? If you intend to use a CMS (Joomla or WordPress), then you can search for a plugin that allows your customers to pay with Stripe or any other payment gateway. If you don't want to use a CMS, you need to search for Stripe's API and paste it in the HTML element in Nicepage (click on the Element menu >> scroll down >> click HTML). ................................................... Sincerely, Lilioneta Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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