Some blocks are moving

3 Posts
Tiu posted this 26 June 2019
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When I adapt the content of a team section in the different formats of responsivity, even after saving, blocks are moving. I mean, if I organize the structure of the elements inside a box ( picture + text), after changing the type of responsivitz (passing from computer screen size to cell phone for example), the already blocks are not in the same order anymore. Have to correct everything many time to be sure that all has been saved correctly.

Any chances to care about this problem? It's a big wasting time to reorganize every time all elements of these blocks



When I adapt the content of a team section in the different formats of responsivity, even after saving, blocks are moving. I mean, if I organize the structure of the elements inside a box ( picture + text), after changing the type of responsivitz (passing from computer screen size to cell phone for example), the already blocks are not in the same order anymore. Have to correct everything many time to be sure that all has been saved correctly. Any chances to care about this problem? It's a big wasting time to reorganize every time all elements of these blocks Cheers Karl
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3 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 June 2019


Please send us your project so that we could understand the problem.
Blocks move in the responsive modes, and sometimes you need slight adjustments.

Thank you!
Nicepage Support Team

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Karl, Please send us your project so that we could understand the problem. Blocks move in the responsive modes, and sometimes you need slight adjustments. Thank you! ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
3 Posts
Tiu posted this 26 June 2019



Cheers Karl
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 June 2019

Hi Vogel,

Could you please provide a few screenshots that demonstrate the issue and let us know the name of the page with the issue. Also, if possible please attach Nicepage Desktop website exported as Project. The attached website is a joomla project.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Vogel, Could you please provide a few screenshots that demonstrate the issue and let us know the name of the page with the issue. Also, if possible please attach Nicepage Desktop website exported as Project. The attached website is a joomla project. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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