Ask a Question What about Joomla 4.0 and nicepage?

Quick question: How works nicepage with new version Joomla 4.0? Is anybody who test it?
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Latest By Support Team

23 August 2021

Started 18 August 2021 by TOPNET

Ask a Question Joomla 4 Compatibility News

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers, We are happy to announce that we are working hard to support the recently released brand new Joomla! 4 version! The approximate date for the Nicepage version...
19 Replies
23 Votes

Latest By Ch3vr0n

03 December 2021

Started 18 August 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question The new Quick Access panel buttons need to be moved.

Originally when I decided to use the Nicepage editor on my client sites I wanted to refer my client to the existing Nicepage demo videos to teach them how to use the editor. However, those videos were...
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Latest By Support Team

19 August 2021

Started 18 August 2021 by shane53

Ask a Question default browser

Can i change the default browser? We dont use google chrome and are unlikely to do so.
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 October 2021

Started 19 August 2021 by nicepage3272

Report a bug Install a new version start throwing error

This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page.
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2021

Started 19 August 2021 by Ram Infosystems

Ask a Question captcha

how can i add a captch to my contact form?
12 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

19 April 2023

Started 19 August 2021 by seand84

Ask a Question Premium

Hi, I would like to know that If I subscribe a $59 plan, then the free update including means that I can get the latest function in 1 year right? And if I not subscribe for next year, can I use...
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2021

Started 20 August 2021 by teahouse329

Ask a Question Designer App Pack

The price of Designer App Pack Personal $59 is per month or per year?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 August 2021

Started 20 August 2021 by williamgraphy

Ask a Question Updates

What exactly is considered an update and how much does it cost after a year? Also Can websites created by Nicepage be exported to a server like AWS?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 August 2021

Started 21 August 2021 by initiativeleague

Report a bug page settings different

it took me 1-2 hours to realize that using the top page setting overwrites all meta descriptions on all pages. if you do it via the bottom page settings, the other pages are not overwritten. isn't...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2021

Started 22 August 2021 by kontakt27

Ask a Question Honestly so frustrated i almost wish i never came across Nicepage

I created a table on my WordPress website. All went well until I found out that in the live version, some of the colors of the rows are changing while being hovered over, and there is absolutely no...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 August 2024

Started 22 August 2021 by backandfrontmarketing


Salve, perchè quando sistemo la pagina Tablet o PC cambiano tutte cose nella versione per smarthphone? Succede questo, allego foto. In più la forma dei cerchi che allego è bloccata in ovale e non si...
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Latest By Support Team

24 August 2021

Started 23 August 2021 by mammapernatura

Report a bug Cant' install

I can't install on another computer. I am not trying to run two licenses. I just want to install on my new computer and uninstall on the old. Right now it is just stoping about 1/3 of the way
4 Replies
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Latest By Walter1701

19 December 2021

Started 24 August 2021 by randy.gartman


Buenos días, Tengo la construcción de la plantilla parado, estoy perdiendo tiempo y dinero, esperando la solución, por parte de ustedes, ya que, la incidencia es de la aplicación de Nicepage, no es...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2021

Started 24 August 2021 by etorres

Ask a Question upgrade to Joomla 3.10.1

Hi - My Joomla site is presently at 3.10. The newest upgrade is 3.10.1. Are there any NP issues with this upgrade? Wanted to check before upgrading. Thanks, Mitzi
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2021

Started 24 August 2021 by MSGdesign