Ask a Question Bring the Web Online and Link the Email

Hi, I edited a website by using one of the template, and I did it by the Nicepage software on the Mac. I am facing 2 main issues: 1, I would like to know how can I bring it online once I got the...
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Latest By yubin.yubin

31 March 2021

Started 28 March 2021 by yubin.yubin

Ask a Question URL Problem in Wordpress

Hi everybody, I created a new page in wordpress with Nicepage to replace the older version I had, but unfortunatelly I could not change the pages URL. The new page I created forced me to choose a URL...
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 28 March 2021 by carlosalberto.espiritosanto

Ask a Question This Is Some Seriously Good Software

Still playing around with the free version but so far this is some of the best wysiwyg software that I've ever come across. I have tried lots of them over the years and this is by far the best...
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 28 March 2021 by someoneinapickle

Wishlist 워드프레스용 플러그인을 생성할수 없습니다

워드프레스용 플러그인을 생성할수 없습니다 나의 라이센스에 문제가 있나요?
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2021

Started 29 March 2021 by jk.ahn1967

Ask a Question What Is GOing On?

I already have a Lifetime Pro License. I downloaded the new version and everything is gone. I do not want to have to purchase the new "premium:" licensee.
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 29 March 2021 by plafave

Ask a Question What is goingo on??

Hello, I dont know if im the only one with this problem but is driving me nuts. I am realizing that the changes you make on the editor are not always beeing reflected on the live webiste version. For...
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Latest By Support Team

30 March 2021

Started 30 March 2021 by marketingmarcelodiaz.teatro

Ask a Question The number of the rows´s option in the blog posts block does not appear.

The number of the rows´s option in the blog posts block does not appear. See in the image, please. I don´t know what I am doing wrong Please help
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Latest By Support Team

13 December 2021

Started 30 March 2021 by ana529

Ask a Question custom Domain with long link issue

Hello there, I am having an issue after posting my website online on Nicepage with my custom domain. After publishing my website from the Nicepage online application, it gives me a long link instead...
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 31 March 2021 by michael.athanas

Ask a Question want to buy

I want to buy this tool but I only want to use niceboard to create html5 pages I can package and send to clients I use Linux so I don't / cant download which is why I need niceboard Can you tell me...
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2021

Started 31 March 2021 by kristian44

Ask a Question unable to export to wordpress

I am unable to export to wordpress the only export available is HTML. How do I export to wordpress?
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07 December 2022

Started 31 March 2021 by secva

Ask a Question Custom font

Hi, I am trying to use custom font from shopify to nicepage. I am following theinstructions from this article I have added the...
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Latest By Support Team

27 February 2023

Started 01 April 2021 by david13662

Ask a Question Submenu on Mobile devices

Menu & submenu are working fine from PC & Laptop. When trying to open from a mobile device, the list of submenu items flash up for a split second, then disappear, making it impossible to...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2022

Started 01 April 2021 by Indigo Drainage Services

Ask a Question custom fonts in wordpress

hi, uploaded some custom fonts in the new nicepage version, works great! but exporting nicepage to wordpress, all custom fonts are gone. Why? is there a trick to export the fonts to wordpress?
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2021

Started 01 April 2021 by casa34

Ask a Question Why are the Hyperlinks in the Contact Form so bulky?

When doing a Hyperlink to the text of the "Terms of Service" text, the hyperlinks look very ugly and there is no way to customise them?! Any help?
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 02 April 2021 by alexander_ritter

Ask a Question Hello!! Support?!! Answer your customer questions.

Haven't git answer to my previous question! I have Lifetime Pro but not getting anything when loaded new version. How do I get all my old work back and have the Pro options I paid for?
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 April 2021

Started 02 April 2021 by plafave