Ask a Question Problem with side line.

Hi, I have a problem with my website and some version for samsung mobile phones. My website looks great on every other support, but on samsung mobile there is a side line at the right side of the...
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2021

Started 27 February 2021 by brianb

Ask a Question Position item in top Bar

Why if I move a position element into header block it changes in "joomla position or wordpress sidebar name" by itself ? this change will "lock" side bar on left movin bad all pages. It should...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2021

Started 28 February 2021 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question How to make my site live on google

What's the process of making nicepage sites live on google with the free plan?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 March 2021

Started 01 March 2021 by tyagiabhishek538

Report a bug NicePage App is slow

Hello Olga, since recent updates in 2021, NicePage is now running very slowly. Whenever you're editing, there's a 2-5 second delay. This is causing a major headache. I have discussed with other...
39 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By tullochjy

24 February 2023

Started 01 March 2021 by Adrian2020

Ask a Question changing a plan

i was thinking about changing plan, need more advice, wish if someone could assist me here today, waiting for your assistance guys, please contact me
7 Replies
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11 March 2021

Started 01 March 2021 by tadastrinkunas

Ask a Question Forms and sell stores

Hi Wy I cant make an form? I choose a form and I whan to ad some buttons and other thing and its all gray and I can not choose them why? How do I activate a store and shopping cart? Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

03 March 2021

Started 02 March 2021 by rmcasaca

Ask a Question Submenus Stay Open After Changing Hamburger Panel Settings

Submenus Stay Open After Changing Hamburger Panel Settings My question may have been buried here: After...
14 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

09 July 2021

Started 02 March 2021 by dave269

Ask a Question Home page issues

When I export my website to my home page which is named home it also creates an index.html file that is not the same as my home page. I literally have to go into my website files, delete the...
12 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 January 2022

Started 03 March 2021 by rm224

Ask a Question changing computers...can I bring my page with me?

hi all On the free plan since I am doing a web page for my wife's non-profit she is starting. I just upgraded my pc (long story) and I am a little confused as to the process to move my site from 1 pc...
10 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 July 2023

Started 03 March 2021 by jy3

Ask a Question PDF upload

Hi, Only paid version can upload PDF files? Can I remove the footer "made in Nicepage" with Personal edition $59? Thanks, Min
7 Replies
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21 April 2022

Started 03 March 2021 by 莓莓扛把子

Ask a Question Not getting Content

Just created new page and exported to Joomla. I only get one .zip file in folder N. Nicepage Templates. I do not get content. Watched video and supposed to create 3 .zip and I am not getting...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

03 March 2021

Started 03 March 2021 by acedrummond2

Wishlist Nicepage 3.8: March 03, 2021 - New FAQ Element. Accordion Improvements

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new update of Nicepage 3.8. What's New in This Update? New FAQ Element Accordion Border and Icons Pagination in WordPress and Joomla...
7 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By William Gerlach

16 March 2021

Started 03 March 2021 by Support Team

Report a bug Error in new Accordion

Using the new Accordion Icon, it gets displayed in a new line below the text instead of the position behind the text where it was placed in the editor. In the Editor it looks good, but at the life...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2021

Started 04 March 2021 by joerg6

Wishlist Different header on different page

Would be a great benefit if we could create another header and to assign that header to certain pages. IF NOT POSSIBLE ON SHORT TERM I want to suggest the following workaround / interim...
22 Replies
23 Votes

Latest By Support Team

22 July 2024

Started 04 March 2021 by patrick.vanimschoot2

Ask a Question Script EU Cookies Nicepage html desktop version

Hola, necesito un script que bloquee la carga de cookies al entrar en la página. Ahora mismo no funciona y las cookies se cargan automáticamente, y eso es ilegal en España. Supongo que habrá que...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2021

Started 04 March 2021 by iman