Google Recaptcha is used to avoid spam, phishing, and fraudulent activities. It also prevents form submissions by bots. The Contact Form Element uses Google Recaptcha 3.

Hosted On Nicepage

Google ReCaptcha is automatically enabled for sites published on Nicepage Hosting from the Desktop Applications and Online Editor. It is enabled if you publish a site with at least one Contact Form.

The automatic ReCaptcha is also used on sites with custom domains.


Exported From Nicepage

If you export the site from the Desktop Application or Online Builder and host it on your hosting, you should set the Google Site and Secret Keys.

Learn more about how to set the Google Recaptcha

Google Recaptcha is used to avoid spam, phishing, and fraudulent activities. It also prevents form submissions by bots. The Contact Form Element uses Google Recaptcha 3. ## Hosted On Nicepage Google ReCaptcha is automatically enabled for sites published on Nicepage Hosting from the Desktop Applications and Online Editor. It is enabled if you publish a site with at least one Contact Form. The automatic ReCaptcha is also used on sites with custom domains. !recaptcha-custom-domain.png! ## Exported From Nicepage If you export the site from the Desktop Application or Online Builder and host it on your hosting, you should set the Google Site and Secret Keys. [Learn more about how to set the Google Recaptcha](page:61415) ##