
  • Overview
  • Add Search Element
  • Search Properties
  • Search Placeholder


You can get search results for sites published on Nicepage hosting and exported as HTML in WordPress and Joomla.

Add Search Element

To use this feature for your HTML or published Site, add the Search Element to the Header or Footer. In WordPress and Joomla, this Element will use pre-built CMS Search features. Publish the Site with the added Search Element to the Header.


Test Search Results

After publishing, open the Site, enter the search keyword, and get results.


Search Properties

You can set the properties of the Search Element added to the Header.


Search Placeholder

Modify the Placeholder in the Search properties.


## Summary - Overview - Add Search Element - Search Properties - Search Placeholder ## Overview You can get search results for sites published on Nicepage hosting and exported as HTML in WordPress and Joomla. ## Add Search Element To use this feature for your HTML or published Site, add the Search Element to the Header or Footer. In WordPress and Joomla, this Element will use pre-built CMS Search features. Publish the Site with the added Search Element to the Header. !add-search-element.png! ## Test Search Results After publishing, open the Site, enter the search keyword, and get results. !test-search-results.png! ## Search Properties You can set the properties of the Search Element added to the Header. !search-properties.png! ## Search Placeholder Modify the Placeholder in the Search properties. !search-placeholder.png! ##