Как отобразить тень элемента при наведении курсора на поле или ячейку сетки

Для элемента в группе или ячейке сетки вы можете изменить свойство тени при наведении группы. Добавление тени к элементу создает псевдо-3D-эффект, который очень популярен в веб-дизайне. В разделе «Наведение на группу» на панели свойств выберите предустановку тени и при необходимости отредактируйте тень, если это необходимо.

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How To Apply The Shadow Effect To Elements In A Group

The drop shadow effect has nice animation, and with it, you can modify your item's color in the group. You can use this animation for a parent element to add a group and add this feature there. So, when the user moves with the mouse on the group of elements, the hover state will change. This feature changes not only the elements' appearance but also the Text. If you don't want to change the text color, add this animation, and the text look will change. Getting started with our service, you can create the animation of the Box shadow item in the group, the color of the items you can also modify easily, and so on. As we know, the background color is one of the most important elements in web design, so with the shadow hover effect, you can change its look.

If you want to create different size borders, add shadows animation on every item in the group, despite the border width. With it, you can create a simple design, and when the user hovers over the group, he will see a nice effect. You will wonder how these animations can edit your layout look. You can easily create a shadow hover effect for your website with our tool. Make sure the Box shadow animations help us make the site more stylish. If you don't know how to create wonderful shadow animations, and if the users once will hover over the group of elements, they will see the fade effect. Some people in the working process with the design only use the keyboard, but our service is very simple, and you can use only a mouse.

Like the tailwind CSS, we enable you to add on the button the hover effect, and even if the user wants to skip to content, he will see this animation. In your service, with presets, add the hover effect of shadow, box shadow color, border color animation on the different sides of the items (without using utilities for style) in the group. When you hover over the group, the shadow you will see from the different sides. We also help you improve your layout design, and if you want to use the settings for the Text align, Justify content, you're welcome. You can also change the class and style every element in the group. Like the custom CSS, using our service, you can easily add the shadow on the border, add the different styles on the elements in the group, etc.