Ask a Question internal server error

I am receiving an internal server error when I try to install the Joomla plug in. I have checked the configuration and I am not finding any problems on the site. this is a new site with the current...
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2023

Started 07 November 2020 by sdavis3

Report a bug Back to Top icon missing, Tangerine fonts still fail to work when online,

Some of these issues were reported over 3 revisions ago, The only item fixed is the program shows the Tangerine fonts as a choice again. But the font's still error out as previously reported 2 or 3...
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Latest By Doug G.

11 November 2020

Started 10 November 2020 by Doug G.

Ask a Question How to change height and width of gallery?

I am updating the desktop version of Nicepage from 2.26.5 to the current version. Previously when wanting to change the height and width of a gallery you just clicked on the gallery and boundaries (as...
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Latest By Support Team

11 November 2020

Started 10 November 2020 by cbell

Ask a Question Nightmare across browsers and mobile

Okay, I'm extremely frustrated with this program. I have a simple 3 page site based on one of the templates I'm using win 10 and NP v2.29.5 version. The site looks fine in all of the desktop...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 November 2020

Started 10 November 2020 by blairpom

Ask a Question Secure JavaScript libraries

Hi Recent security scan revealed that the site is using outdated JavaScript libraries. Can you please advice. We are using Nicepage to develop our web site. Message we got : Remove the JavaScript...
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Latest By Support Team

12 November 2020

Started 11 November 2020 by gabeyinfo

Ask a Question Licence

Dear Nicepage Team I tried your software in free version and I find it very well done. Now I'm buying a license, but I would like to use it both on the desktop computer that I have in my office...
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Latest By Support Team

11 November 2020

Started 11 November 2020 by ntnmrc

Report a bug Hiperlink

Hello, hyperlinks in desktop application doesn't work
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 11 November 2020 by creativis

Ask a Question Duplicate a page

Good day. I see a previous post from last year about duplicating a page in WordPress. Has anything changed? Is there a way to duplicate a Nicepage in my WordPress dashboard? Thanks, John
11 Replies
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16 March 2022

Started 11 November 2020 by esr2016

Ask a Question Package Upgrade

Hello, For example, I bought a $ 200 package. However, it was not enough or I wanted to upgrade after a while. For this, I need to buy the $ 350 package. Do I have to pay $ 150 difference when buying...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2020

Started 12 November 2020 by turgutabioyunda

Ask a Question i cannot export to html

It wont let me export to HTML without paying for it now what is this?
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Latest By Support Team

19 January 2021

Started 12 November 2020 by bcherry741

Ask a Question License question

I am asking if I can use the "Free for individuals" license to create a website for my small company or do I have to buy another package. If I have to buy a different one, which one should I choose?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2020

Started 13 November 2020 by theiboxgaming

Ask a Question page pagination seems to be vertical

Hi, the page pagination is displaying vertically and not horizontal, I looked in the forum and found and found : .joms-page ul.default li { display: inline-block; } I followed the insructions on...
2 Replies
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Latest By r.rdoriguez

16 November 2020

Started 13 November 2020 by r.rdoriguez

Ask a Question System Problem

I have a problem with installing and using NicePage after buying the license recently. Before I was using a site license from the client I am developing a new version of their site. I have never been...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 14 November 2020 by Koot

Ask a Question Tablets and mobile support

Hi. I'm considering to upgrade from ''starter'' to ''personal''. The most importing thing for me is that my website also works on mobile and tablets. (not working from them, but that my website is...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 15 November 2020 by Nadinebrinch

Ask a Question Shalini

Hi Please can i know if I can download css and html from your site and use that in my .net project
2 Replies
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Latest By rexsha

16 November 2020

Started 16 November 2020 by rexsha